How to end a long Friendship?

My friend and me have been best friends, since we were 7 and 8 were both 18 now, but the thing is that I dont want to be friends with her anymore. She steals all my boyfriends and friends. Most all of my family really does like her cause of what shes done to me. I really dont know how to go about telling her that I dont want to be friends anymore. Please Help!

Answer #1

just say to her that you dont wanna be friends and if she asks for a reason just tell her why dont be afraid to stick up for yourself xxx you dont need friends like that xx

Answer #2

ask her to straighten up and if she wont , tell her nicely that you cant be friends with someone like that…

Answer #3

It’s easy:

Just be honest and say: “I don’t want to be your friend any longer, for…” and here you can put whatever reason would lead you to end a long friendship.

That’s what friends do, they speak honestly.

Answer #4

Then tell her what you’ve told us, if she is going to keep stealing from you then how is she even a friend to start with? Say you can’t keep dealing with it then let her go.

Answer #5

unless you are expecting from her, then keep it short and sweet. Just move on. There does not need to be drama around every action we take. People only do to us what we let them do to us.

People can only hurt us to the degree that we let them.  I dont have a relationship with my Dad and Step mom right now. Because they are unwilling to let go of the past, and treat me the way I deserve to be treated.  So I have to cut them out of my life.  Is this cruel?  Nope. Because it isnt worth it to have negativity in my life. I love my Dad a lot. I wish we could get along, and hopefully we will, but not like this.   You see; we need to learn how to treat people in this life, but equally important, we need to teach people how to treat us.
Answer #6

she sounds like a right scallywag…

so if your with a bloke she comes round and just does stuff with him and thats it, hes hers?

id wait for an argument to erupt making it easier to blank her full stop..

but if you must tell her that you no longer want to be friends due to the facts mentioned then call her up, meet her and just tell her what you said in your question then walk away and dont look back..

youll feel better once its out the way…

but listen, if she was such a good friend to begin with you wouldnt need advice on how to tell her ;)

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