How to deal with a violent 2 year old?

My doughter is 2 1/2 and is crazy. I love her to pieces but shes out of control. when shes calm, shes perfect, sweet, cuddlie and very playful. but if you have to disipline her she goes crazy. she hits, bits (and she has drawn blood), bashes her head (to the point I think she will crack her skull), and has stabed her brother with a fork. shes two!!! What will I do if this continues on!!! I’ve tried everything time-outs, taking things away, spanking, biting back, I’m at my wits end and am starting to fear my son(4) as well as, my self and husbands safty!!

Answer #1

Well, spanking and biting back are the last tings you want to do. The time out thing is the only thing you can do. If she gets out of time out put her back and tell her she’s being a ‘bad girl’. No little kid wants to hear from their parents, especially that they’re bad. As much as it seems like that wouldn’t upset them, it does. Just stick with it. Don’t let her get away with ANYTHING. Everything she does wrong, tell her she’s going in time out and follow through with it. The problem with spanking is that it shows them that it’s alright and some times they don’t know that even though it hurts, that it’s wrong. They feel that because you’re their mother that it’s almost like a loving thing. My neighbor has a two year old whom she sometimes hits and her daughter didn’t really see that you can’t do that, and that it’s not a loving thing to do. She’d hit me sometimes even when I was being nice to her. When her mother calls her a bad girl, she gets really upset because she doesnt want to be one. She’ll say ‘No, I good girl, I go good girl!’ and her mother will just say ‘Well, you’re being very bad.’ and put her in time out. After a while it started to work.

Answer #2

First I would like to thank everyone for their advice. Secondly I should not have said I spank, as people have different interpratations of the word. I will slap her hand when she scratches at my face, but to me a hits a hit. I would never harm ether of my children, and I am not angry with her for her actions, I just want to help my odviously frustrated child. But I would also like to rephrase my question. I’m horrified she will hurt herself durring one of her fits. She throughs herself around, as well as bangs her head repeatedly. I should also add, she interacts well and is starting to say some words, but she also does not talk much (about 3 words). I dont believe she is autistic but thats the only thing I cant think of to cause this behaviour. I also dont need a 3 year old on drugs!

Answer #3

You need to take her to the dr and talk to him. He will know who to refer her to. Those are not normal actions. I worked at a daycare for 2 years (and still occasionally help out there, about to go full time again) but I never saw anything like that and I saw a lot of interesting things. Please go see a dr for her safety. If there is something wrong with her they will be able to tell you.

Answer #4

I would bring her to a physist I had a 3 year old daughter and she was the same way so I brought her to a physist and it worked. you and your family are in my prayers… also instead of getting mad t her the best thing to do is leave her alone unless she’s hurting someone but if she wont liste the best thing to do is just let her hve what she wants

Answer #5

You really need to get her evaluated by a professional… although she’s in her ‘’Terrible Twos’’, I think it would be best to take her. :)

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