How to confront roommate?

Ok so I just noticed this morning the that $200 of the $250 I set a side for bills and rent at the beginning of this month wasn’t in my lock box. I thought maybe I had knocked it out when digging for my spare key for my truck or maybe my roommate grabbed it to pay some of the bills early. (I leave it unlocked a lot :P). But she said she hadn’t and I couldn’t find the money anywhere in my room. Well something about the way she said she hadn’t grabbed it made me kinda suspicious. Then I found a voice mail on my phone that said the rent payment was late. Well because I work when the rental company is open, I usually hand her my 1/2 the rent and she deposits it into her checking account and writes the check.

So after that I was really suspicious, and logged into her bank account real quick. Not only was the rent payed 1/2 a month late, but there was a $200 cash deposit from Tuesday…

Now I just don’t know how to confront her. She doesn’t know I know her online bank account password - I just kinda guessed it :P.

So any suggestions on whats the best way to confront her? or get her to admit she took it. We are good friends and I want to try to work through this…

Answer #1

Do this…Tell her you need to talk to her, say let me ask you a question and I want you to assume I already know the answer…Did you take my $200.00 or not? When she says no, say then why did you deposit $200.00 on Tuesday? I saw your deposit slip on the floor and it made sense that it was the money I am missing… and then go from there play off of her body language attitude and reaction to answering your questions. Don’t tell her you went onto her online banking just say you accidently came across the deposit slip..and if she asks you for it, say why don’t we take a look at your online account transactions to prove you are tellin the truth, and she probably won’t because she’ll know she lied. That’s really shady I would get another room mate fast!

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