How to catch a chipmunk

I’ve seen tons of chipmunks in my yard and want to know how tocatch just one?? How is it done biyatches?

Answer #1

Mmhm do what wikawikawoo said. Do not harm him or keep him as a pet, animals have feelings too. I would not reccommend even capturing him for many reasons. Good luck, however.

Answer #2

That’s just NUTS! No pun intended… Chipmunks are meant to be in the wild. Seriously think- WHY do you want to catch one? What will you do with it? What’s the purpose? How would you feel if YOU were the chipmunk? Do you even know enough about them to take care of them? Does it have a family to take care of? Come on…Use that thing in between your ears!!!

Answer #3

Cover yourself in honey and pour peanuts on it.

Have fun with that… biyatch. Maybe next time if you ask your questions a little more properly, you’ll get some help.

It’s ill advised to ask questions, and insult the answerers, all in the same sitting.

Answer #4

Have to tried offering free Alvin autographs?

Answer #5

y wood you catch one? if you harm it im ganna bite u!

Answer #6

Put food in a trap that closes once the animal gets in. Please, don’t harm the animals, maybe relocate them to a park.

Answer #7

its going to bite you if you catch it !!!

Answer #8

if he wants to catch a chipmunk let him catch a chipmunk,,,what you do is get a box and put a stick under the edge and tie a string to it,,, put nuts under the box and when a cipmunk cums and is under the box pull the string it will take a couple times tho and when you do get it be careful because when you lift the box it will try to run

Answer #9

I want to find a chipmunk breeder in ohio that can sell me one for 70 dollors or less.

Answer #10

“Animals have feelings too” is kind of bad to say.. that would imply that you can only feel bad for it because it is wild, whereas you shouldn’t feel bad for say.. hamsters that are kept in a cage. NO animal is going to be happy in a cage.

When I was little I caught chipmunks but let them go a couple minutes later. All it does is stress them out. Just leave them alone. Besides, wild animals such as chipmunks usually carry parasites and sometimes diseases that help PROTECT them in the wild, but will harm you if you try to keep it as a pet. So.. just let it be.

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