How to break them up?

This guy at work that flirts with me all the time said that he had a girlfriend that he wasnt going to tell me about untill I said about how I hate when guys lie to me? He said they were going through a rough patch for 3 weeks a little bit ago but now its okay. Do you think he will break up with her for me?

Answer #1

Hey.’Id be careful, don’t get to invested in this guy. They may have went through a rough patch, but every relationship I’ve been in or have witness does. Right now he’s still with her, I wouldn’t want you getting your hopes up for nothing. Until they break up on their terms, its pretty much nothing you can do about it. You don’t want him to break up start getting close with you and then they manage to work it out. Even if they do break up, he needs space his time to get over it. I

Don’t just wait for him either, who knows what will happen. You live your life and do you. We all go through our stages males and females. Simply put if you two are meant to be together then you will eventually. Take care things will always work out for the best in the end.

Answer #2

What makes you think if he would do it to his girlfriend that you are oh so special and he wont do it to you?

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