Why is every guy who claims to be 'scene' or 'emo' g@y?

Do they choose to be ‘scene’ or ‘emo’ BECAUSE they’re g@y? Or do they PRETEND to be g@y because they’re ‘scene’ or ‘emo’? I don’t understand, that cannot just be a coincidence….

Answer #1

It is a pretty feminine style, I’m not attracted to it honestly. Who knows?

Answer #2

I wish I did -.- it really bothers me.

Answer #3

they look like girls -.-

Answer #4

Because scene/emo people think they are more open minded and accepting than everyone else, so they think that gives them just reason to say they are bi or g@y so that they seem widely accepting. I find that most are bi because that just makes them seem like they just go with what life gives them. Its all bullsh**

Answer #5

Because scene/emo people think they are more open minded and accepting than everyone else, so they think that gives them just reason to say they are bi or g@y so that they seem widely accepting. I find that most are bi because that just makes them seem like they just go with what life gives them. Its all bullsh**

Answer #6

I like the style, I think it’s cute :3 But like…wow. >.> That’s annoying.

Answer #7

I don’t think they’re more accepting. Most of the ones I meet are so obsessed with being “different” they’re close minded d!ck heads.

Answer #8

I agree with Cassie. I’d say it’s because it’s sort of feminine too but I personally think most emo looking guys are hot lol. I love the guyliner. But I know not all g@ys have that style. It seems some guys who do have that emo style people might claim they’re g@y but they’re not

Answer #9

To me i think it’s more acceptable to be g@y in the scene community so they just feel more comfortable i guess? i have absolutely no idea though haha.

Answer #10

I don’t think they are either. Of course, I’m not gonna say all of them are d!ckheads O: because it’s just a style, I don’t want to stereotype. That’s just so stupid to say you’re bisexual or g@y to seem more accepting…

Answer #11

One of my BEST guy friends is completely scene, or emo, whatever you’d like to call it. but in no way is he g@y. But he does act g@y sometimes, when hes just kidding around with his friends. He wears his skiny jeans so tight tho, i could mistake him for a girl. i guess its just how we perceive scene people, they have that kinda vibe sometimes. and some are g@y, but not all. Personaly, i love g@y guys, there the best of friends!

Answer #12

O: Well if they look like girls, then maybe I’m not g@y after all! :P

Answer #13

Oh, trust me, I love g@y guys too ;) wink wink I guess it just seems like the majority of scene guys are g@y…but none of the scene girls are lesbians O____o

Answer #14

A lot are probably bi.

Answer #15

A large majority of scene girls are bisexual though.

Answer #16

I’ve noticed that a lot of people in general are bisexual >.> I’m starting to wonder how many of them actually are….

Answer #17

you consider yourself emo or scene ? -_-

Answer #18

Aww dammit! I was hoping I’d score with you :(

Answer #19

It really bothers me that being g@y or bisexual is almost like a STYLE nowadays >.>

Answer #20

Lol no! Why would I? O:

Answer #21

Yup. most cene girls arnt G@y but they are definatly bisexual. But you do have a point, the majority of the scene guys are G@y. i suppose scene people are very open minded (:

Answer #22

haha im watching The Real World & the g@y guy reminds me of Connor:)

Answer #23

I kinda agree with that. Have you noticed that more celebs are coming out nowadays that they’re supposedly bi like it’s this huge thing now? Sometimes I have a hard time believing if they are bi depending on the celebrity

Answer #24


Answer #25

D: Why?!

Answer #26

And I meant before that scene and emo guys are really hot :P and if they look like girls then maybe I’m not g@y XD Get it? D: When did I say I was emo or scene lol?

Answer #27

coz hes g@y & emotional & kinda cute :]

Answer #28

In the real world ryan drives me mad thats all i can say >=/

Answer #29

I know. And like, Miley Cyrus? Really? That just disgusted me. I highly doubt she’s a lesbian, she shouldn’t be pretending for fame.

Answer #30

Soon I can see the straight pride marching down, probably about 10-15 people lol… Whatever happened to straight men being good friends! :( sniffle

Answer #31

I’ve never seen that show O: lol and thanks Irene :3

Answer #32

omg yes. I have a crush on Mckenzie :]

Answer #33

There’s a straight pride?!?! THAT’S SO COOL!!!!

Answer #34

haha i want to punch ryan and Mackenzie is cute but she does give mixed symbols.

Answer #35

SOON lol… It’s not like the masses of people are all bi or g@y!

Answer #36

Preston is annoying -.- Kenzie is a tease :P haha

Answer #37

That’d be sad : \ We should get people to have to take a test to prove they’re bi or g@y or something.

Answer #38

Did Miley ever admit she was bi though? I’m talking about celebrities like Anna Paquin or Cameron Diaz who have come out as bi which I have a hard time believing since it doesn’t seem they’ve ever dated any women. I can understand if they’re attracted to the same sex but I mean like willing to ever date one you know? But with someone like Lady Gaga who admitted the same thing I can believe that more with her for some reason lol

Answer #39

O____o I’m so confused

Answer #40

Haha yeah she hella is, I thought she was gonna go off with that dom guy and never be seen again though. OMG i’m ashamed of myself for watching it :/ haha

Answer #41

Yeah, Laday Gaga is totally believable :P

Answer #42

IM WATCHING IT RIGHT NOW DONT RUIN IT FOR ME :OOOOOOO im not listeninggggggggggggggggggg haha

Answer #43

And all those girls that are bi now, the ones that fake it, I know that some do!! Shame… I feel bad for those guys…

Answer #44

haha i watched it yesterday, so unless your a day off you’ll already have seen it haha :)

Answer #45

Yeah I read it in a magazine. She said something like she has bi tendencies or something like that.

Answer #46

i havent seen it :(

Answer #47

Well I’m straight for life man! :) I can have a moments pride in that :) Come on, be proud of what you are! Man wrote the bible, nature decides sexuality :)

Answer #48

haha well i didn’t ruin much! :)

Answer #49

i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :P

Answer #50

I’m straight too but every once in a while I can think like a guy and think a chick is really hot lol. But I don’t consider myself bi cause I can’t picture myself dating a woman I can just be attracted to one

Answer #51

I was just reading about cameron diaz and what she said was “I can be attracted to a woman sexually, but it doesn’t mean I want to be in love with a woman. If I’m going to be with a woman sexually, it doesn’t mean I’m a lesbian”

Answer #52


Answer #53

Oh did you hear that really hot celeb, omg i forgot her name -_- erm rene ? irn? ohohoh! IRENE :D shes bicurious:)

Answer #54

yeah I have my moments to! I’d just wish people would be honest with themselves.

Answer #55

Yeah that’s what I read. Couldn’t remember the exact quote

Answer #56

Oh did you hear that really hot celeb, omg i forgot her name -_- erm rene ? irn? ohohoh! IRENE :D shes bicurious:)

Answer #57

It’s not surprising you’re bicurious Irene lol. I think we already knew that

Answer #58

How is it not surprising ??? :OOOO

Answer #59

I’ve been bisexual since literally elementary school, and it kind of annoys me thst now it’s the “fad” to be bisexual. If you truly are bisexual awesome, props to you but it’s annoying when people say there bi just to appear cool or whatever.

Answer #60

i do not believe that everyone are majority is, i guess but i think it is more acceptable to be.

Answer #61

Because you once said you wanted to f*ck Megan Fox and I remember you saying something about Kesha before. That proved that lol

Answer #62

oh haha :P i laaaaaav me some girls :) but i still <3 guys :)

Answer #63

Yeah I love guys way too much lol

Answer #64

You can still be bi haha

Answer #65

Well you can but I can’t picture that for me. I can’t picture being in a relationship with a girl. Just an attraction really haha

Answer #66

No clue

Answer #67

i dont believe its such a bad thing i like the fact that it is more easyer nowdays more in the open and acepted its great

Answer #68

oh geeze! haha =S yup i noticed that too but im pretty sure ppl just pretend, its a fad im sure it’ll go away soon

Answer #69

In my experience, those who claim to be scene or emo usually aren’t. Those who are g@y or bisexual don’t go about making a fuss of their sexuality either. To those of us who actually are any of those things, it’s NOT really that big of a deal. It’s normal life to us, nothing special.. o_O Sounds like posers just wanting attention.

Answer #70

@ connor what would be the g@y test sounds fun :D


Answer #71

because they think it makes them “cool” :/


Answer #72

their not really gay just mostly bi but not gay

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