How do you teach a Parakeet to talk?

How do you teach a Parakeet to talk? my bird only chirps

Answer #1

Well,that depends on how much time u spend with it. Only teach it one word at a time,and,no matter how funny or cute u think it is,don’t teach it curse words.If a dream crush walks through the door,that’s NOT going to be funny 2 u or the guy/girl.What if it shouts,’’Baby,ur damn hot!’’

Answer #2

Is it by itself? We have 6 at the moment, and tried teaching them to talk but.. no use. If you only have one, it will bond to you MUCH more, and is more inclined to pick up on speech. I hear if you repeat one work many many times a day, it will pick up on it. Well, good luck.

Answer #3

well Ive never had a parakeet but I thought of a good idea, why not get a tape recorder with you repeating the same thing over and over for about 30 minutes then just play it to your parakeet till he gets so sick of hearing it that he might copy it, OR tell you “ok, I get the idea,now turn this damm thing off “ LOL

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