How should I go about taking her virginity?

Okay, so I’ve been talking to my girlfriend the past few days, and she seems more and more ready to lose her virginity to me. Now, I don’t want to be the guy that hit it and quit it, but I don’t want to be the guy that got laughed at and left either. I’ve had sex before, but never with a virgin. And it’s a big deal to girls, apparently. But she’s just like ‘I wouldn’t mind’ and ‘I’m okay with it’. It kinda feels like I’m just being used so she can get it out of the way. We’ve been dating like, two months. Three if you count the long story. Haha. But I mean, the most we’ve done is made out. I know all the deets, like ‘get her wet’, ‘take it slow’, ‘be gentle’. I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about the after party, if you will. What do I do or say afterwords? How can I make it the least awkward and most enjoyable for her? We have a fun relationship, it’s pretty healthy. Neither of us are clingy or anything. It’s a good relationship. I don’t want that to change cause of sex. Prom is in May, I was thinking I could do it then. I was under the assumption going into the relationship that she would be the one that wanted to wait. Now she wants it, and I’m all weird about it. I don’t want my virgin girlfriend calling me a bitch because I don’t want to have sex. Haha. But yeah, I just don’t want things to change. I really do love the girl, I don’t want to lose her. So like, what can I do to keep things mostly the same after we do the dirty? I mean, things are going to change regardless, but how can I keep that fun-ness that we had before? And how could I possibly tell her that I want to make sure she is completely ready for this before I go about it? Because I don’t want to be the guy that she regrets losing it to. And I don’t want to be the guy that she just ‘gets it done and over with’ with. I’m not a root canal, and I’d be really disappointed if that’s what she’s thinking I am. So yeah, there were a lot of questions in there. Haha. Sorry. Don’t feel obligated to answer them all. Just what you can is great. Thanks.

Answer #1

Tell her exactly what you typed. Tell her the truth. She deserves it and maybe it will make her change her mind…she might not feel no big deal, but is acting like it because you are maybe. I agree with the person above too! you need more time to think and talk about it.

Answer #2

The best thing is try to get into a conversation with your girlfriend. Try to tell her about how you feel, even though I know it may gets uncomfortable talking about it. Or just give each other a little more time to think about it. I guess girls need a little more attention, so maybe a little more care and concern after sex will be good. If you love her and she truly wants to lose her virginity to you then go for it! Good luck! (:

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