How is Jesus God when Jesus was born in a manger?

God told Mary that she was going to give birth to a son and to name him Jesus. Jesus is God in flesh. So with God being the father, son, and holy spirt (3-in-one), my question is how are they the same? Does that mean that when Jesus was being born, that God wasn’t in Heaven looking down? Because Jesus is God, right? So when Jesus looked up in the Heavens when he was being crucified and said “It is Finished”, was he looking up at his Father God? Or no…because he is God??? I’m trying to understand… I am a mom, daughter, and wife. But if I go to town, I still look like the same person and am the same person…Please help me understand this… When we say Father in Heaven, are we saying Jesus? Who do we worship? Jesus or God? I know they’re 3-in-1, but I’m just wondering who the pray to and worship? Jesus since God can see no sin??? But Jesus is God??? So he is still seeing sin, it seems.. I need help with all of this.

Answer #1

ok. Thanks for everyone’s advice. Saved and Tobb69 has helped me a lot a lot. I do believe in God and the 3-in the 1, but it just can get so confusing. My dad passed away a couple of months ago and it seems like my head is confused now. There is so much history acknowledging the fact the Jesus was here on Earth and there are a lot of bible artifacts to back the facts up too. It’s just that this God and Jesus in 1 and while I pray, it’s confusing now to whom I pray. So I guess I pray to Jesus because Jesus intercedes through God, but I have still prayed to God “like Heavenly Father”. So it that wrong? Also, one more thing…when someone passes away, do you think they go straight to Heaven or wait until God calls them home when he comes for everyone else? Also, if he does bring them home right away, can they hear and watch over you? People say my dad is here with me watching over me, but I feel he can’t because if he could, he would see my pain and there is to be no more crying and suffering up there. Since I’d be hurt, I feel like it would hurt him to watch me. What do you think?

Answer #2

No offense, but this is my belief. There is only one god, he has no wife, children of any form of partner, he created us and can destroy us.

Jesus was like you and I, he had blood running through his veins, he had hair and eyes and ears. He felt pain and he bled when he was hurt. The only difference was he was a PROPHET, he was chosen by god to lead mankind to the right path. he did have special qualities like healing the sick etc, this was all just to make the people believe that god exists. GOD gave Jesus the ‘’power’’ to heal etc, and he could have taken it back anytime.

Jesus was not god or the son of god. Why would god be cruel enough to see his ‘’son’’ being tortured and crucified like that?

Answer #3

Well the truth is that Jesus Christ is God. He came down as man. The word “Son” does not have the same meaning as we mean it. It does not mean an offspring. Son of God means God being born as the son of a man. Jesus Christ used to call Himself Son of Man.

Why would god be cruel enough to see his ‘’son’’ being tortured and crucified like that?

To save you from your sins.

Answer #4

It’s just that this God and Jesus in 1 and while I pray, it’s confusing now to whom I pray. So I guess I pray to Jesus because Jesus intercedes through God, but I have still prayed to God like Heavenly Father. So it that wrong?

Actually there is no problem on who we pray to, because Jesus Christ and God and Holy Spirit are the same. So don’t be worried about this, just pray. We are praying to God and He will answer us.

Also, one more thing…when someone passes away, do you think they go straight to Heaven or wait until God calls them home when he comes for everyone else?

I believe that the Spirit does not have time. It is outside of time. Therefore once a person dies he is instantly taken to that day when the Lord comes to take us all. So though that day is a future event for us who are alive, those who are dead do not have to wait for that day. Also the dead cannot watch over us, nor can they help us in any way. This can be seen in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.

Answer #5

the trinity is extreamly complicated, the pope doesnt even fully understand it. ill tell you what I think I understand about it. Jesus the Holy Spirit and God are the same person. They are all God. each has their own image and job. God the Father is who people think of as the creator and the all powerful. Jesus is essentially God in a human form. he came down to earth and was born of Mary in order to attempt to save us from the sin adam and eve commited. He was always there and is part of God. He calls him his son because Jesus is a part of God. then the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God and Jesus. it is the Holy Spirit that fills the souls of people with God because he is the spirit of God. All it really is, the same God, in different forms. Then since Jesus was God’s son, until he was risen from the dead, I believe he wasnt truely the same as God, that is why he called himself his son and he prayed to God and asked God things.

I hope this helps, besides when it comes to faith, it is what you believe that counts

Answer #6

The simple answer is, Jesus wasn’t a god.

If you pay attention to modern cults, you’ll notice that it’s not uncommon for cult leaders to claim to be god in the flesh, or to be god’s chosen son, or have some other unique role as an intermediary to god, etc. Possibly, that’s how Christianity started too?

Answer #7

The Trinity is a made up concept. You can even trace the history of it, from the New Testament (which makes no explicit references to a triune God) to the modern doctrine found in many Christian denominations and churches. The New Testament authors did not agree on who Jesus was or what he claimed to be. Later on, church elders tried to reconcile the various views found in the Gospels and other NT writings, and doctrines like the Trinity are the result of their efforts. Some scholars also believe the Trinity is the result of pagan influence over Christianity, since many of the pagan groups with which Christianity interacted worshipped a pantheon of deities.

Answer #8

Who being in very nature God, did not consiter equality with God something to be grasped but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:6 Jesus is God, but he humbled himself and became man to identify with our sins. Also God is not of the natural, He is supernatural and He goes beyond what we believe to be logical and possible. What is impossible with man is possible with God, and He is Almighty.

Answer #9

when he was being crucified he told god to “forgive them father for they do not no that they have sinned” or something like that. Then when he became part of God and like became the three in one thing.. I think. We worship who we want to, because there is also Mary (jesus’s mum not the other mary) so there is jesus god and mary, im not sure about the holy spirit thing and I dunno hwo to describe the three in one thing sorry if I just made it even more confusing :/

Answer #10

Jesus is 100% God and 100% human

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