Why all of the athiests out there chose athiesm?

I would like to know why all of the athiests out there chose athiesm? I am a christian and I just want to know.

Answer #1

So you feel that you are the highest being???

She doesn’t believe that there is a higher being, as the case with all atheists. They also don’t believe that they are the creater of the universe, because the do not believe in such a higher being or power.

Answer #2

well jlw82 I think you are wrong. I’m trying to understand why athiests believe what they do and then tell them what I think. I’m not trying to correct them though.

Answer #3

Yes I do :) Your in big trouble mister(:

Answer #4

well one reason is because a lot of people look at the world and its problems and wonder how a supposed loving god could let us get into such a bad situation, another reason is because more and more things in the bible are being proven impossible by science so more and more people decide that there is no higher power and that really life as we know it is a result of millions of chemical accidents. depression and unanswered prayers could be another reason and so on. really its that religions (unlike science) have absolutely no proof backing them up, the reason they used to be so popular is because they explained the unknown but as time goes on those unknown things become less and less. but many people are like me, they pick and choose what to believe and because there is no name for exactly what they believe in and because they don’t really believe much, they say they’re atheist. hope my words have “enlightened” you on the thought processes that go through someone’s mind that leads them to become atheist.

Answer #5

Because there’s no evidence for any supernatural beings whatsoever, let alone for the very specific claims all religions make.

Answer #6

I have a lot of problems in general with Christianity and find it too unlikely.

In the general case (the existence of any god(s) rather than just the Christian one) Ockham’s razor summarizes the reason I assume that the physical cosmos is the sum of existence and that there are no incorporeal or supernatural beings or realms.

Answer #7

l0ver b0y, it’s obvious you just want atheists to post what they believe and why so you can ‘correct’ them through your own views/opinions and religious beliefs. Believe what you want and let others do the same.

Answer #8

What has been proven impossible? And the reason that a loving God would let that happen is because we have FREE WILL and without that we would be robots, and he gives us the choice to either accept or reject him.

Answer #9

Because I dont believe in god or anything higher than me.

Answer #10

My dad became a Freemason when I was young and his ideals (I’m God AND the Devil at the same time) made a lot more sense than going to church you know..at the end of the day only your conscience is watching… There is for sure a greater power out there..

Answer #11

I didnt choose athiesm, my whole family is catholic and when I was about 10 I realized I didnt believe in god or any of that. I wanted to, but I just couldnt. All of my cousins are like that too. I don’t know why, its not really a choicebut its not like a bad thing your forced into.

Answer #12

I’ll be very honest, I thought it was a bad religion when I was Christian but seeing my past history with religions, Atheism came into my life. Long story how. Your not forced into it at all, it’s sometimes by choice.

Answer #13

You dont just want to know. You want to sit here and argue with people. Do you believe in Hercules, Zeus or Brahama? Why not? What makes your God the right God? What makes you think there’s only one God? People ‘chose’ (although I dont see how you chose your beliefs) to believe in no God the same way you believe in the Christian God.

To quote Stephen Roberts

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

Answer #14

how can you support an organization that ows its memberships and trillions in donations to lies, and threats. an organization who is the cause for murder in our modern society and who wiped out other sects with war and deciet in history and conspires to do the same today by manipulating their followers to committ deeds that are harmful to our society members; and who succeeds in the hault of progression in our society itself. this sounds just like the godfather. so religion is just as bad as the mob.

Answer #15

many reasons. first off all that junk in religion is just impossible. why should a priest or rabi or whatever be trusted on the truth more than an intelligent, educated, hardworking scientist? its so rediculous when your aguing with a stubborn religous person about how and why their misconseptions are false. second, after all the horrendous scandels and lies in religions history, why should they have any credibility left at all? I was catholic till I was 13, and im much happier now that im atheist.

Answer #16

I never said you were forced to choose athiesm.

Answer #17

When I said highest being I meant over all not just over your life.

Answer #18

Yes I do :) I control every aspect of my life therefore I am the highest being :)

Answer #19

So you feel that you are the highest being???

Answer #20


I didn’t immediately assume you wanted to start an argument with everyone here. I knew it was possible, but I actually hoped you were honestly interested in knowing what others believed.

From all of your posts, you seem inquisitive, not accusatory or mocking. Therefore I feel comfortable offering my own views and reasons for not believing in the Christian faith (I’m a former Christian of 16+ years).

I started by questioning certain doctrines of the Christian faith such as their nonacceptance of gay people, their rules against sexual exploration/relationships, their hypocrisy regarding tolerance of others, inaccuracies in the Bible, etc. As these things and others began to become more irritating and baffling to me, I began to question bigger things such as the devil and temptation, Jesus vs God vs the Holy Ghost/Spirit (The Trinity never made any sense to me, really.), and other big questions about the world/universe/cosmos.

As time went on, the one thing I didn’t question was my belief in God. For some reason, I thought there was something big that makes everything work. So I kept believing in God while the rest of the beliefs that had been drilled into me since early childhood slowly crumbled in my brain. I kept trying to make sense of everything, reading all that I could and researching Christianity, Agnosticism, Atheism, and other religions as well.

Then one day, I finally asked myself, “Do you believe in God?” I answered “Yes.” Then I asked “Why?” My answer didn’t come and I thought about it occasionally but would usually get frustrated because I couldn’t think of an answer. And my answer to the original question became “I think I do.”

Then I had one of my many cherished epiphanies or self-revelations. I realized the reason I thought I believed in God was death. But in the same moment I realized I didn’t actually fear death. It’s hard to describe all the thoughts that hit me at once but my final conclusion was that I had thought I feared death, and that’s why I thought I needed to believe in God.

Once I got that sorted out I was able to ask a whole lot more questions about why I didn’t beleive in God, and the answers came rapidly.

So to actually answer your question L0ver_b0y: I don’t believe in (the Christian) God because I don’t like the idea of a ‘Father’ who would never show himself to his children, but expect them to believe in him anyway. I don’t like the idea of someone who decided to give us ‘Free Will’ instead of giving us actual knowledge of his existence and a happy life. Why create a world where horrible things could be done to his beloved? Why give them the intelligence and creativity to create and do those horrible things?

I mean sure, if I were a god, I might decide to create a bunch of little creatures and watch them run around like crazy always asking questions and never knowing what they’re even there for. But I’d be a SADISTIC god.

I actually think that could be plausible, to be honest. I don’t really believe it, but it makes me laugh to imagine a bunch of gods just messing around with their little ‘science experiments’ and doing show-and-tell with each other, saying “Hey look at this. My guys just created a bomb that killed millions.” and another god saying, “Oh yeah, well how about this… my creatures can kill each other with their minds!” And they all laugh as they play with us like we’re video-games.

As I said, I don’t really believe that, but hopefully it shows my point, that a god who would create us human beings and the world we live in and build in us the intelligence, personalities, and abilities to do the horrendous things we do is really just sadistic.

That’s not inspiring to me. That’s not someone/thing I want to worship. It’s not appealing to me in any way.

Then there’s all the things about the Bible that just don’t make sense. I’m not gonna get into the debated inaccuracies and such, because what really gets me about the Bible is the shit that people believe really happened. I mean if I told you that a donkey talked to me, or that a bush caught on fire and spoke to me, or that I saw the sea open up before me, you’d think I was nuts. No one would believe me without proof. And I mean NO ONE. Not the Pope, not my friends, not even my own mother. Yet they’re all content to believe those things DID happen to someone else long ago.

And why?

Because a book that is knowingly written by a whole bunch of different people, and none of it by “God” himself… a book that has been re-transcribed and translated more than any other text in existence… a book that contradicts itself countless times… and a book full of stories that are replicas of other ancient myths says so.

(If you don’t know about the Egyptian god, Horus, than google his origin myth. It’ll blow your mind, or at least make you question the Jesus story. Link here: http://www.touregypt.net/emac7.htm)

I could keep going, but I think you can understand what my biggest reasons are.

As for what I DO believe, it would take another essay to convey all that, but like pwincess, I believe I am the controller of my existence. Nothing is above me or bigger than me, just as I believe you are the controller of you, with no one playing puppeteer. I also believe we are more powerful than most people believe or understand and that we cause our lives to happen as we desire or fear it to. You may have heard of the Law of Attraction. Well, that’s the basic premise of what I believe, but I don’t follow a certain methodology or doctrine as many followers of L.O.A. do.

I would like to conclude by saying that even though I believe these things and they are what make sense to me, belief is 100% personal.

I have discovered some things of what I believe to be true of the world and life. I don’t claim to know everything or have all the answers, and honestly, I love figuring it out along the way. But you should not feel compelled by me or anyone else to change your beliefs.

My only advice for you is to do yourself the favor of really thinking about yourself. Spend time on self-reflectance. Most people are too busy with their lives to sit and think about things sometimes. Personally I find self discovery to be one of the most rewarding experiences in life.

Hope this helps and good luck.

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