how do you scrunch hair??

I really really really want to know how to scrunch my hair…do you have to have like some sort of product?? do you have to do it a certain way?? just give my simple intructions please :D thx for your help

Answer #1

get hair gel or mousse and when your hair is wet work it into the hair and then flip your hair over and scrunch your hair up. then flip it back over and scrunch some more then style it

Answer #2

Yeah pretty much what she said, but I’ll just answer anyway =)

-So go to your local store, like a riteaid or CVS or even 99 cent store.

-Buy curling mouse, and hairspray.

-Make your hair just a little damp, not soaked and dripping.

-you can either tilt your head to either left or right

-apply to mouse to which ever side your tilting.

-OR flip your head and hair and just apply mouse throughout your hair.

-then when you have all the mouse you want apply some hairspray all over to keep it in place :)

Hope I helped<3

Answer #3


Answer #4

about 2 hours before you sleep. have hair damped.. then spray hairspray all over.. then mouse to create the scrunch to hair.. keep adding hairspray && mouse.. after a while put your hair up kinda like a bun.. and when you wake up it will be dry and super curly

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