How do you scrunch hair?

Like can you wet it and put some moouse in it or how would I do this?

Answer #1

ya do what everyone else said.

use aussie sprunch spray… it works really good and smells great!!

Answer #2

like I’ve tried just doing it while it was wet and all but I didn’t put anything in it, I don’t want it frizzy looking lol

Answer #3

yeah, you need to put some stuff in it if you don’t want it frizzy. do what you’re doing now, but put some gel or a big dollop of moose in your hands as you scrunch.

Answer #4

once you get out of the shower put aussie sprunch spray in and put it in a messy bun on the top of your head…once dry let down hair and scruntch with your hands. It works great and is really convient when in a hurry!

Answer #5

alrite if you come out of the shower keep it wet and put moossue in it and scrunch it…also after that spray it with hairspray also with hair shiner, don’t worry I ALWAYS scrunch my hair!! if you need anything else funmail me!!!

Answer #6

I take a shower and then throw my hair up in a bun for about a half hour and then I’ll put it down and squeeze it like everyone else said but I don’t use gel or moose I use a ton of hair spray. It works great for me. There are sprays that you can use that say for scrunching.

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