How do you know if your really inlove?

Just wondering, how do you know if you are really inlove? Also what exactly does it mean to be in love, because my friend told me that it means you wanna have sex and stuff

Answer #1

ROTFL ! uh it doesnt exactly mean you want to haave sex. love is when can’t stop thinking of that special someone, when all you do is want to do is be with that person, when your with that person nothing else really matters to you, as long as that person is by your side. when you think of that person you cant help but smile, and they dont seem to have flaws, in your eyes that person is perfect..

and about what your friend said its not about having sex with that person, its making love theres a difference between just having sex, & making love.. for girls who are virgins having sex is a big deal because she is comfortable around him… and if you ask yourself why is being a virgin important to a girl, and her parents.. this just means shes pure, shes never been touched, and shes innocent, her mind isnt in the gutter (:

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice