How do you file abondonment on someone?

My fiance has a 3 year old son who I have been raising for the past two years. His mother left the state and has not done anything except call a few times in the entire two years. He has already been to court to establish that he has full custody. When we do eventually get married we have decided that the best thing for all of us would be for me to adopt him but the birth mother still has parental rights. I’ve spoken to a few people and they said the first thing that should be done is for us to file for abandonment bc she wont sign over her rights. I was wondering if anyone had been thru this before and had any advice on the best way to go about doin it

Answer #1

of course I know that I have no legal rights to the child the only reason any of that question was in first person is because I was the one writing it. and as far as people we have spoken to none of them were legal or proffesionals in this field they were just friends and family memebers. trust me I am fully aware that it is all on his dad, he is just as cluless about the whole situation as I am.

Answer #2

YOU dont get to do anything because YOU are a legal stranger.

Your boyfriend can try to file but there are a lot of variables.

Here is a website for your BOYFRIEND to check out. The legal parent is the one here with the rights, not you. And if you go to this site and act like you have some kind of rights to this child, they will tear you a new one. If the FATHER goes and asks the questions then he will get VERY GOOD, SOUND, LEGAL advice.

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