How do you dream? Black and white or color?

Most dreams are without color, or else are only partially or feebly colored……professor calvin hall, who has collected records of many thousands of dreams, tells us that about two thirds of all dreams are in black and white. “only one dream in three is colored, or has some color in it.” very few people dream entirely in color; some never experience color in their dreams: the majority sometimes dream in partial color, but more often do not

“we have come to the conclusion,” writes dr. Hall, “that color in dreams yields no information about the personality of the dreamer.”….most dreams are concerned with the dreamer’s private wishes and instinctive urges and with the conflicts which arise when these wishes and urges are thwarted by a disapproving conscience or a fear of public opinion. The story of those drives and conflicts told in series of dramatic images or symbols, and in most dreams the symbols are uncolored….dreams, which are not given but fabricated by the personal subconscious, are generally in black and white. (it is worth remarking that, in post people’s experience, the most brightly colored dreams are those of landscapes, in which there is no drama, no symbolic reference to conflict, merely the presentation to consciousness of a given, non-human fact.)”

–aldous huxley “heaven and hell”

That being said, my questions are as such.

  1. are your dreams usually in full or partial color, or none at all?
  2. what kinds of dreams do you notice are colored and black and white?

I always assumed everyone dreams in color, it made sense. So, naturally, I found this fascinating. For me, I always dream in full color, very vivid and detailed dreams. Every single one. Although I have a lot of nightmares, they are in color as well, dull and dark, but color none the less. I could attribute this to the fact that I’m an artist but I highly doubt that’s of consiquence. The interesting thing is the scarier my dreams the more detail there is to them, making it very frightening and difficult to distinguish from whether or not it’s actually happening and harder to wake up. (you know sometimes when you’re not sure whether or not it’s for real, even after you wake up sometimes you don’t know if those things really happened or not?) I would like to know what the rest of you go through in your subconscious states, how do you dream?

Answer #1

I’ve never had a dream in black and white, mine are always in colour and seem very real. I actually once was dreaming I was sitting downstairs in the living room and I was late for school, so I went to wake my mum up and half way walking up the stairs I woke up in bed :D It felt so real and the sound and colour of it looked and sounded real aswell.

Answer #2

I thought so too, and he also says “ color in dreams yields no information about the personality of the dreamer.” how is that possible?! your dreams say a lot about who you are and what you fear or believe or wish, how your brain functions etc

Answer #3

Sometimes I dream in black and white.It’s weird.But when I do,it usally means my dream is going to be scary.I don’t know why,but it is.And I get scared so I wake up and can’t go back to sleep.It’s annoying!But that’s just me.

Answer #4

Color…with instant replay & surround sound

Answer #5

ummm most of the time I dream in color… but sometimes in black and white…

Answer #6

I always have color but its kinda dull color like theres jsu tshading, but my vision is lke a tunnel everything is black around the out side and I can only see in front of me its kinda like im about to pass out what jolly fun!

Answer #7

lol black an white dreams? ever heard of that sounds like bullshite

Answer #8

I always had dreams in color. One time I had a dream I got proposed to this really cute guy and he gave me the ring, it was so pretty! But something happend and then it turned into a peice of yarn wrapped around my finger! I was so sad! But, ya know he was still cute! : )

Answer #9

the whole black and white dream thing is usually for old people when tv wasnt in color

there have been tests and they dont know why watching black and white tv would cause it but its true

Answer #10

Yeha I dream in mostly colour.

Answer #11

I have never had a dream in black and white, only in color. it always feels so real too. lol

Answer #12

I dream in color :)

Answer #13

I always dream in color usually, but the one thing I hate is when your having the best dream in the world & thinks it’s really happening than you wake up & notice nothing ever happened!

Answer #14

I always dream in color. And the colors always take a big place in my dreams. No matter what or who I dream about

Answer #15

I always dream in colour ALWAYS :) And like acidburn987 I have a lot of nightmares which are detailed and much darker than my usual dreams but there is still colour in everything all be it a bit dull in the nightmares :). I Love my dreams in colour its so realistic but then am fasinated by human behaviour and the mind and how it all works aha :)

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