How do you deal with two annoying little girls?

Okay, so there’s these 2 girls I see after church. They are really annoying!! They are loud and they hit me and slap me!!! It’s really embarassing because they are humilating me in front of my crush!! And all I do is look stupid and act like I enjoy it when they hit me, yell at me, and slap me… Shesh!! How should I deal with them!!! Btw I am 13 and the 2 girls are like 4-6 yr olds and &.. I am realy angry because like next week we are going to the bowling alley with them..

Answer #1

I agree with the asking their parents to please make them stop or keep them away from you. You don’t have to play their games because they want to, just be polite and ask nicely.

Answer #2

thank you, georgiepoo. I told my mom about it and she told me the same thing. she says that they are just children and I have to play with them. sighs

Answer #3

Speaking from experience, you will get TONS of respect if you put them down gently. Don’t scream at them. Bad idea, trust me. I yelled at a seven year old girl because I just couldn’t take her annoyingness for one more second. Lucky me, she started to cry. Instantly I felt guilty as hell. Of course, you’re little bunches-o-fun are just so young, you can’t really do anything about it. And what are their parents gonna do, give them an irritation deduction pill? So just suck it up, try to play some games with them. Your parents will give you more responsability, you will be more respected as a person, and you won’t feel like a jerk for yelling at a 4-6 year old.

Answer #4

Scream loud “Go away you little followers of Satan”. Loud screams will probably frighten them away.

Answer #5

Roll your eyes at them and walk away. It doesn’t matter their age. if they’re bugging you, their bugging you so don’t worry if it seems strange that they’re younger. Make them feel their age by looking down on them, treat them like little kids. My cousin acts like this so I laugh at her and use my hand to push her head away and call her Squirt. Harsh but it makes her go away. If it continues, then if I were you, I’d ask their parents/older silbings/guardians to control them more!

Answer #6

Maybe you can tell their parents or walk away. Trick them of saying like, lets play hide and seek! (but you dont find them) xD OKay thats kinda harsh, but its just an idea.

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