How do we help the cat?

Ok. So the cat, snuggles. Ate some poinsettia and is apprently not feeling well. I am assuming that the cat is thowing up HELLLP.

Answer #1

Yeah, I would take it to a vet. It will probably get better in a few days but points ARE poisonous to animals.

Good luck! I hope it feels better soon!

Answer #2

Call the poison center! They’ll know how poison poinsetta is for a cat…For all you know the cat could be sick from something else. Here is a web site with a list of poisonous plants for cats…poinsetta is on it, but it says “low toxicity”…which means it will make him sick, but not kill him.

Animal Poison Control Center 1-888-426-4435.


Answer #3

If you could you might want to take the cat to the vet. But also if the cat throws up (this may sound gross) look in the vomit and see if you see anything irregular like any big pieces of other types of things and if you dont and everything seems normal then just leave the cat to get well on its own and maybe you could go to walmart or an animal store and maybe find it some medicine.

~future vet~ HOPE I HELPED!

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