How do you ask a boy out?

I really like this boy at school, but I dont know if he likes me. I really want to go out with him and I keep having these dreams about us going out and they look really good. I dont know if I should ask him out, I want to but im very shy. can anyone give me tips how to show him I like him or how to come over my fear of asking him out?

Answer #1

well there isnt that many way to get him away from his mates,other waiting untill hes on his own,txting would be eayer but then me may not be sure who you are(no offence), a social site chat is a good way of talking to people aswell because they can see who you are by you profile pic,

Answer #2

hes quite popular and im not, hes allwats handing round with his mates and he never seems to be away from them, how can I get him away

Answer #3

if you have any classes with him then you could try starting a conversation with him,or start by saying hi as you pass him by,you could get his number off someone who has it who is not one of his friends and send a txt/sms and start a conversation,don`t worry about popularity tha will only hold you back in what you want to acheive,

Answer #4

when you ask him try to make it sound very casual, like “do you wanna go do some thing some time” and if he say yes(chances are he will), make sure you have something in mind but make it sound like you just thought of it,the hard part is for you to get to a point where you feel comfortable with asking, but most of all keep it cool and casual,

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