How do people feel about the new James Bond?

I have heard mixed things about the new 007 and I was wondering how people here felt about the new James Bond?

Answer #1

Well, I’m a wee bit late posting. However, I love Daniel Craig as Bond. He’s quite lovely and he plays the character brilliantly!

Answer #2

mixed feelings really, the critics believe he’s the best bond yet……..I myself am among some of those who believe he might look a little too old to be bond, but then again the older bonds were very good at diguising that……..

everything aside, i think he’s already done well for himself, he is a well known british actor though……….so lets c how well the american public embraces him as the new 007……..haven’t watched the movie yet but i’ve heard nothing but good things about it, but it could be that my friends have nothing else to do except watch movies……..LOL

only time will tell (till the next bond movie…..LOL)

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