How do I tell my mom im back with my ex?

Ok, so this guy, robert…I have literally been in love with him since I was 14, but for whatever reasons we stopped talkin, but this was normal for us for about 2 1/2 years. We never ever dated. In summer 08 we hung out a lot, and almost dated, but I got tired of waiting and I found someone else. I was with this asshole for 2 years..anyways, we just broke up like maybe 2 weeks ago…

But like 2 or 3 weeks before we broke up I came in contact with robert[secretly] and I didnt plan on acting on the feelings I still had for him, but we started talking everynight and I fell for him again, and harder than ever. We both had somebody at the time, but neither of us were happy. So he broke up with his girl, and I broke up with my guy, but we didnt do it so we could be together, it was so we could be happy ya know?

Anyways…so we are def in love with eachother and we tell eachother and we text all day, talk everynight. I really do love him,. So today we decided to be together. But..he lives like an hour away. =[ I dont know how to tell my mom… Please just some help.

Answer #1

First of all you don’t have to tell your mom nothing it’s your life you know just tell your mom how much you love him & that ya are meant for each other if she wants you to be happy she just has to let you be with him im sure she’s not going to make a big deal about it if she really truly understands what it feels like to in love..

Answer #2

I got back with my ex and im very happy thanks to [link removed]

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