how do I tell my mom?

okay so I started hanging out with my best friend’s older bother and I kinda like him but I figured nothing would ever happen, but then he asked me out and I couldnt help but to say yes, he’s so sweet and nice, but the only problem is he’s 22 and I’m 15. and I need to tell my mom, bc I hate keeping things away from her but I don’t know how to tell her with out her freaking out or her not letting me see him.

Answer #1

well if your in love, your in love. you cant help the feelings but you need to think things through. if you have sex. what you’re doing is illegal. the way I look at it, you have to options:

  1. be together, keep this from your mom.
  2. break apart, tell your mom. I dont know how your mom would feel about this but probably not too good.
Answer #2

you definitly shouldn’t be with this guy first of all if he touches you are if you guys have sex its rape you aren’t at the legal age to consent so breack up with him find some one your own age trust me your mom will not be happy

Answer #3

He could get in trouble for that. Honestly, there really is nothing you two could possibly have in common with such an age difference. I know, I’ve been there. Though I was 15 and he was 19 even that difference was just too much. And again when I was 21 I dated a man who was 42, and really our goals in life were much MUCH different. It’s not impossible, but not likely that a relationship like that will go very far. I know in my case I was more infatuated with the fact that someone his age liked me. Once I was older I realized there is a problem with that. A man that age should not, in any way, shape or form, be attracted to someone who is not fully matured, mentally or physically. But to each their own.

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