What do I tell my mom about me and my boyfriend?

ok soo my mom gave me the talk bout me and my boyfriend doing it, she thinks we havent done anythingg. but we have actually. and we’ve only been going out for a month. yea yea I know I shouldnt have done it with him that early but.. oh well. she said that she wouldnt be upset that I did it she just wants to make sure im safe. I feel like she will be upset because she said that when it does happen im suppose to tell her soo I can be protected. she also said it would be no-questions-asked. I dont know what to do. And im going to the doctor thursday and I dont want her to find out before I tell her because she would be more mad to find out from the doctor rather than me. how should I tell her? and I feel like she will be mad and stuff like that because my boyfriend is coming over friday. soo yeaaa. what should I do? what should I tell her? and how should I tell her? I need help! pleasee!

Answer #1

I waited about a month and a half with my boyfriend and didnt tell my mum she asked me about a month later although before that we had discussed me going on the contraceptive pill from the sounds of it your mum is trying to be protective about you for obvious reasons in this case the only idea I could think of for you as it has already been discussed is to bring it up as if it has happened since the chat reagrding the doctor be careful about the whole your being careful before ya do it because all they will do is try to talk you out of it… hope this has been any help

Answer #2

Well regarding going to the doctor.. You can say thgat you are playing it sage and that something might happen that you are feeling that way and that her support meant you could be fully safe…

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