How do I survive in prison?

Im 19 and weigh 121. Im on my way to prison for violating a part of my terms of my bail. what should I do or what can I do to survive without injury and getting raped. Please help me out.

Answer #1

I agree with the ‘making friends’ advice with some of the nice people. Got to have some friends who will stick up for you if you happen to get into trouble, or just for moral support.

Answer #2

Are you going to prison…or to the county jail? You said you violated “bail terms”…that would indicate that you haven’t been tried, yet… prison is for the already convicted…If you’re going to county, then a policy of MYOB (mind your own business), will suit you best…Prison is a whole ‘nother bag of worms.


Answer #3

just keep your head up (literally) and dont shy away from looking at people. their first impression of you is going to be body language, so dont make recessive movements like crossing your arms or looking at the floor, but dont try to be a all tough though because then they are just going to WANT to knock you on you out. As long as you dont act like a pansy, chances are you wont get treated like one.

Answer #4

I’ve been in jail in general population before. Not all prison’s are as bad as tv makes them out too be. The chances of you getting raped are pretty slim. Just stay out of people’s business and out of the drama, keep to yourself and you should have no problems.

Answer #5

dont go in like a tough guy (unless you really are one) - be respectful of other peoples privacy and dont talk with the guards unless they talk to you. DO NOT get chatty with them… they aren’t your friends - your friends are those that watch your back. Just mind your own business and get active in some classes. I saw a lot more info at - tons of free tidbits. Also remember nothing is free in prison unless the state gives it to you. Accept NO free items (stamps, soda, chocolate bars… whatever) from anyone… you dont want to know how you will pay it back…

Answer #6

Always listen to the guards and do as your told. Be good… I know that sounds like something you’d say to a little kid, but they like good behavior there. Don’t mouth off even if it’s hard at times, don’t start trouble fighting, arguing, etc…, don’t stare I don’t know… they might not like it and you could get your as kicked and I’d say you want to avoid that. Try not to say too much unless your spoken to that way you don’t risk “annoying” someone. Don’t ask a lot of questions to fellow inmates they might consider that “too nosey” and or take offence to it and kick your as for it. Have a good defence method planned just in case something WOULD happen. Don’t act all scared like your a lost puppy, it’ll make you seem vunerable. Don’t freak out about it… it’ll all be over and down with quicker than you think. Don’t act nervous, it could lead the guards to become suspicious, like your “planning” something even if your not. Don’t brag about stuff like what your in for, that might get on someone’s nerves and it just might get your as kicked. Don’t get stupid and try to escape, that’ll just get you caught and in even MORE trouble. You’ll be “fresh meat” so get to know your surroundings and learn how things are done. Try to be friends with some of the nicer ones… even if it’s just one person. That way your not a complete “loner” and you’ll have at least SOMEONE to talk to and sorta “hang with”. They’ll probably help you out and kinda protect you need be. Just don’t get clingy with them like your a child clinging to their parents during a scary movie. And don’t worry… it’s nothing like oz or anything like that seriously… it’s not lol. Movies/tv ALWAYS make things seem worse than they really are. Hope this helps you! Good luck with life!

Answer #7

Keep to yourself for a day or so to figure things out- dont act tough, dont talk about what you did, try not to stare - learn to look through people - dont talk to the guards - eventually you will find a group to hang out with - now is the time to catch up on education - get a diploma, ged or degree - I read that plus a whole bunch more in a book from called “How to Survive in Prison or Jail”

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