How do I know if im pregnant

My boyfriend and I had sex for only like 2 mins maybe not even that then we stopped. Could it be possible that im pregnant? I dont have any symptoms or anything. This happend maybe a week or 2 ago. I’m not expecting my period for another couple of weeks but I am just stressing myself out over this please lend me some advice I could really use it.

Answer #1

use protection and prevent this kind of stress! any form of sexual intercourse can bring the possibility of falling pregnant.

Answer #2

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had sex, any unprotected sex is always a risk of pregnancy.

You’ll just have to wait and see if you miss your coming period, and then take a home pregnancy test if it doesn’t show up.

Don’t worry too much though, as stress can delay your period.

Answer #3

buy a pregnantcy test kit

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