How do I install a second IDE hard disk on my pc?

I was wondering if anyone could give instructions on how to install a second IDE hard dirk on my pc. My OS in window XP professional.

Answer #1

The easiest by far is to get an external drive. That you just plug into any USB port on your computer, and everything happens automatically. Just note that external drives are noticeably slower, even with USB 2.0 or Firewire.

Next easiest is to go to a computer shop and have them do it.

Finally, if you want to go internal, research it first, because while it is not hard to do, you can mess things up if you do it wrong. Here is a link to a You Tube video that is pretty good.

When I did this on my last computer, I found that the trickiest thing was where the two drives were placed - I.e. the master drive (with the OS on it ) above or below the slave drive. Because the ribbon connector is flat and wide (at least most are) the ribbon won’t twist around. Important because the slave connector is in the middle of the ribbon, but only on one side. Also the video shows screws just on ONE side of the hard drive. You may have a pair of screws on each side. I did. Make sure that your drive is secure. Also the static strap shown is professional. A couple of bucks at Radio shack will get you one that grounds you to the computer case. (And of course DO NOT forget to unplug your computer from the wall! The video didn’t even mention that.) Once you have hooked up all the cables, the computer OS should automatically detect your 2nd drive and assign it a letter. You might also want to print out a hard copy of instructions from the internet before you start. Google it and pick what looks like a good match to your computer.

I know that I enjoyed doing it myself. Take care and Good Luck!!

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