How do I get over my depression?

I’ve been depressed for like 2 months now. I dont show it to people but my friends know the reason for my depression. My heart got really brutally stomped on a while ago when my girlfriend stopped communicating with me, she didnt answer her cell and when I went to her house, she wouldnt open the door…And that has went on for two months now… Everything was perfect before that happened, I never thought she’d betray me like this cause I was her first boyfriend, so I was in that relationship with all the love and affection I had in me… Now I just dont feel anymore… What the f*ck would you have me do?! Im desperate and depressed…

Answer #1

I haven’t been in the same situation, but something like it. So I get how you feel with the whole broken heart thing. Don’t listen to anyone if they say start dating again if you’re not ready. And getting even with her, I really doubt would help. If you are in as much pain as you say you are now, I don’t see how it would make a difference. But anyway, you really do need time. The sick feeling you have will eventually go away. It was a bad way to break up, I’ll give you that. People need closer, and when in a break up reasons need to be clear for you to be able to move on the way you’re “supposed” to I guess you could say. I know it might seem hard, but try activities that get your mind off it. Don’t suppress your feelings, if you’re sad or mad let it out. But in a healthy way. It’ll help you move on. Maybe try a gym, and you don’t trust doctors…maybe do you have a good friend you can talk to?

I hope this helped, at least a little. You really need time…

Answer #2

I am sorry she done that to you. Its hard to move on once someone hurt you that way! I have been in a abuseive relationship and he cheated several times! I was so angry and It took me a while to trust but dont give up on love!

Answer #3

Check out the Befrienders link below. They are not only a suicide hotline but also offer help to people who are stressed or are in a state of depression.

Answer #4

just dont get mad or depressed get even! find someone new! move on from your pic I can tell you are cute so please find someone and dont worry!

Answer #5

depression is a disease… who knows if this was the only thing that brought it on? maybe this depression is coming from something deep in the back of your mind and the breakup just poured fuel to the fire? either way, seeing a doctor never hurts you always have random strangers such as myself to talk to over the internet… trust me we’re good listeners lol but I don’t know maybe you should just go ahead and start dating again y’know throw yourself into it who knows what youll find?

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