how do I break up with her?

me and my girl has been dating for 1 year and 2 months now. we live far away from each other. so we only see each other like once a month. we cant find a way to meet up because we live too far apart. lately I feel like I can’t take this anymore. I also kind of feel like I’ve lost feelings for her because we never see each other a lot. I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I think its best if we can just become friends because I cant stand being like this anymore. so what should I say to her?

Answer #1

NOOO NNOOO LISTEN, ME AND MY boyfriend LIVE FAR AWAY TOOO!!! we do get frustrated but we work things through. we been together for 4 years and I remember once we could see each other once a month or even LESS. Dont break her heart because you cant handle a little long distance.

Answer #2

Am sorry for your situation n’ totally understands how you feel. All you really can do is tell it to her in a gentle way how you feel and what you want. Don’t wait for the solution to come up, cause drama break ups are not experiences worth collecting. Maybe she is feeling the same way as you, n’ just dunno if she really wanna tell you cause she doesn’t wanna hurt you either. Maybe not…

But anyway it’s just about taking a bite of the sour apple n’ tell her that you appriciated the time the two of you had together, but that it will have to end now, cause you can’t take it that you only get to see eachother so few times and that because of the same reason you’ve little by little lost your love for her n’ now don’t feel you love her enough to continue the relationship…

It’s the best thing you can do… maybe she’ll understand you and not feel so sad cause of your honesty… maybe she will… But you can’t let it make you feel guilty about it.

Hope I could help ya n’ that your girl will understand

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Love & Relationships

Dating, Marriage, Breakups