How do I break it to her??

I aked this question already but didn’t get enough answers. how do I break up with a girl gently. I don’t wanna hurt her feeelings er make her sad. please HELP!

Answer #1

just tell her be like I cant be with you no more I just dont like you anymore, or be like its not working out for me with you I think we need a break

Answer #2

just tell her you need a break for a while, and you just want to be friends. And she’s gonna be hurt no matter what.

Answer #3

I’m breaking up with her because she has this jealousy problem thats getting really annoying. and theres gotta be some way to put it softly

Answer #4

no matter what. it will hurt her! you have a reason for breaking up? found another girl? getting tired of her? is she to annoying? there is no good way to break up. or a “soft” way.

Answer #5


‘you look beautiful, but I really don’t think this is working out, I dont want you to be sad or mad or anything, but I think its best if we stay friends’


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