How do I ask him to the dance?

OK the sweethearts dance is in like a month and I want to ask this guy to go with me but the problem is I dont know if I can ask him myself but hes a really really nice guy and I would LOVE to go to the dance with him so how do I ask him

Answer #1

I like dracoalba’s suggestion… that’s pretty much how I asked a girl called Lisa to the School Formal one Friday when I was in 6th Form. I was nervous as hell, and a little disappointed when she didn’t say yes straight away, but by the Monday she’d agreed to go with me. What happened after that is a rather long and complicated story however…

But seriously, make sure you DO ask him - there is nothing worse than wondering what might have been, forever after. After all, the worst he could possibly say is No, right? Besides, I think its attractive as hell when the girl does the asking, and I know I’m not the only guy who thinks so!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained…

Answer #2

kind of bring up the subject to him, and be like, “so you going to the dance?” if he says no, be like, “hmm…hey, maybe we could go together or something.” or something like that. hope that helped!

Answer #3

just get the courage and go up to him and ask him

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