how do convice my parents to let dress goth?

my parents wont let me dress goth my mom thinks I’ll be some scary freak my dad thinks it’s a total joke I get good grades I’m responsible and respect don’t get in trouble don’t do drugs and they still wont let me dress the way want they wont even let me buy a the cure song from I tunes or buy the book interview with vampire help please

Answer #1

Tell them you dont want to live like that, and naturally start wearing eyeliner and dark eye makeup and paint your nails black. If it makes you happy then they shouldnt be that concerned, and its not like dressing differently is gonna affect your grades is it?

Answer #2

You tell them to shut up being spas . . Dress whatever way you want . . And if they don’t like it just go around the house wearing there clothes to annoy them ,, and be like ‘well if you don’t like my style I’ll just go withyours’ . . x

Answer #3

Its just your parents that wont let you buy what you like. Im going through the same thing.All I want are some skinny jeans and converse and they think Im gonna end upbeing an emo kid so they wont let me buy them.Theywont even let me buy Three Days Grace songs even though they are my FAVORITE band ever! Just keep telling then that you love those clothes and that they are all you want. It might help

Answer #4

Well if your parents dont listen to you, and wont even let you buy one of the greatest books or movies of all time, interview with a vampire, then no offense but your parents have issues, I say just go ahead and do it, my grandma is super religious and she even buys those types of things for me. Once you just show them that you mean business they’ll back off, its your image thats at stake not theirs.

Answer #5

well… there is a point there, they don’t want theirr daughter to look like a stereo type, goth is nothin but a genre. But I guess just buy it yourself… and plus all you need is black so buy black close and say that it’s good because it goes whit everything, or something. Can you wear makeup?? Do it a little darker. Just be yourself It’s my best advice but be goth if you want to go ahead and be.


Answer #6

Sit them down and tell them how you feel. I’d start shopping at the closets Hot Topic or Spencers around you. id get more into the culture before talking to them too. Well I hope I helped. Sorry if I didn’t.

Answer #7

thanks I’ve been researching it for a year

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