Haven't gotten my period yet

I havent started my period and I am sterting to get white stuff in my underwear what is it ???

Answer #1

Pills to help you get your period? Wow what has the world come to. Why would you want to speed up your bodies natural progress? Periods are a pain anyway. I don’t know why people would get a tablet to start them!!!

Answer #2

well… as answered, the white stuff on your undies is called discharge! - and as long as it’s not thick, smelly and yellowish - you are perfectly healthy! - if the wetness bugs you, you could buy panty liners!! (: ummm… as for your period problem…it says on your profile that you’re 14-15!! I got my period when I was 12, BUT I have a friend that got her’s when she was 16!… ummm… if you’re real worried, I’d talk to your mom about it and see when she started her period… if she got her’s at a age younger than you now, you may want to consult your family doctor! because that’s what my friend did! - and he gave her pills to help her get her period!

Answer #3

It’s discharge and it cleans your vagina. Nothing to worry about at all. You are going through puberty which is totally natural.

It doesn’t matter that you haven’t started your periods yet. I know people that haven’t started until they were 17. Everybody is different. Don’t get worried. Periods are a pain anyway, so really you are lucky :)

Answer #4

and wts that does it mean I will get my period soon ?

Answer #5

It’s called discharge.it’s normal and every woman gets it. During puberty girls tend to get it even more that normal.

Answer #6


Answer #7

I haven’t gotten my pd yet and well I got it last month on the 15 of july. and I got it the month before june 14 and well we had sex but he said he didn’t cum. he was being carefull. and well latety my lower back been hurting. should I take a test. or wait till the next month.

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