How do I stop myself from wanting to be pregnant?

Hiya guys im 13 nearly 14 and everyday I feel like I really really want to be pregnant …just to have someone of my own someone to love and take out and just enjoying being with…I know im too young and I have school to focus on and it includes long sleepless nights and feeding and dirty nappies, but that still wont put me off?

I dont know what to do really because I know im too young and everything but I just really would like one

Answer #1

I understand where you’re coming from. When you have a baby you always have someone there with you, and you feel like they love you. But in all honesty, a baby needs you more than you need a baby. They will need your undivided attention. It will be years before you can hear them say ‘I love you’. Children are needy, and you yourself are still a child. I think a lot of girls think like this, but if they act on this feeling they have to grow up way too fast. Enjoy being the age you are… However there’s another side to that, if you don’t grow up enough to take care of the child, then what? Babies need loving, caring, and stable homes.

If you are able to think about having a child at this age, I’m sure you’d want the best for the baby. Can you honestly provide the life that they’d deserve right now?

Find things to fill up your time, I think volunteering at a daycare is a good idea, or even baby sit. Or just have fun and experiment with other things you enjoy doing.

Answer #2

Wow, This is a known fact, many teenagers your age are making this exact mistake. I have to agree with the other post, your lacking something in your life and feel like you have this void & think that a baby will satisfy that void! I am here to remind you of the other things you will have to do when you are not in the mood to such as having this obligation for the rest of your life til the day you die!
When you are going to want to go out with your friends, you wont be able to…no one to watch the baby! When you are going to want to sleep, you wont be able to…you have to wake up & find out why it is crying, which will eventually drive you insane. Then we have the issues of diapers, of course someone has to be paying for it…at age 13-14 do you think you can pay for constant shopping of baby furniture/car seat/stroller/play pen/mobile/diapers/wipes/baby food/special bottles/vaccinations/clothing(because babies do grow fast & right out of their new clothes in just weeks - not to mention how they dirty them/bibs…then we have to think about you doing all that while finishing school, which you probably wont be able to because no money left for daycare if you already spent all that money getting all that other stuff…and keeping up with the bills…being 13-14 trying to get a part time job to support just all the normal things you need to keep up with will wear you down and if that is not enough what about the baby’s nursery, you will have to pay for tuition… If that has not changed your mind, try watching a few video’s on child care with a baby at age 14!(you can forget about your life…no dating, no prom…its all about your baby!) In my honest opinion, do something more fulfilling with your life for now, take a dance class like Zumba…or try to help out in your community…do some volunteering at your nearest hospital!!! You will see how that void will be filled with joy when you give something back…like in the children ward…or be a counselor at the local day car center for the summer…anything to fill that emptiness except having a baby at your age!

Good Luck to you…I hope you make the right decision!

Answer #3

Thanksfor the advice guys I was thinking about doing some babysitting but my mum was saying if I place ads online or in shop windows it could be a pervert who wants to touch me up,what could be a safe way to advertise babysitting ? I dont know anyone with kids really?

Answer #4

You don’t realize the stress that comes with a child. you just see it as a fun play pal. That’s why teenagers shouldn’t be mothers. buy a puppy to fill your needs. It does everything you want it to, and it doesn’t require even remotely the same physical, emotional, and financial sacrifice.

Answer #5

Research how much a baby would actually cost VS your income (which I assume is 0)

When you actually do have a child… don’t you want to be able to give it the best? Have you lived on your own? Do you even know if you can take care of yourself, let alone a baby too?!?

Having a baby to just have someone to love and love you back is very selfish. I agree with princess.. why don’t you volunteer at a daycare.

xox Sika

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