how can I stop comparing myself?

I always compare myself to people!!! because I am not that pretty, and I get made fun of sometimes. how can I stop comparing myself to people and be happy with myself? or how can I make my self prettier?

Answer #1

you need to know that models, celebriteis, and people in music vidoes/fashion magazines all have had hours of makeup dont, are airbrushed/edited…and a lot of pictures of people that look “flawless” or “perfect” are photoshopped you need to understand that those people dont look like that in real life also remember that no one else in the world is you and the only person your perfect at being is yourself

Answer #2

don’t compare your self to anyone else yooh are yooh and people like yooh like that.theres no point in comparing yooh’r self to anyone because everyone compares their self wi someone else.even if they dont admit it.I found that oot and now im happier.:)

Answer #3

everyone is special in their own way. :D

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