how can I stop biting my fingernails?

can someone please tell me a way that I could stop biting my nails because I just keep biting them and I want them to grow but how can I stop biting them?

Answer #1

Relax and be positive about yourself. You may stop naturally. If you do not,it okay. You can be happy whether or not you bite your nails.

Answer #2

Forget about it. Concentrate on doing your best at all things. Stress the positives. Overlook your shortcomings. You will be happy, even if you still bite your nails.

Answer #3

put some nail polish on them… wear a few rings..make your hands look really pretty so you know if you bite them they wont grow and your just going to ruin the look of them,,nails are a girl a good look to them .. good luck :)

Answer #4

theres stuff you can buy at the drugstore that you paint on your nails. Same idea as they are saying with the polish remover but this stuff REALLY tastes terrible and will be a smack in the face every time you go to bite

Answer #5

Saxche is rite, I used to bite my nails a lot and then I started chewing gum and my mouth was too busy to even consider my nails

Answer #6

I think a good way is to chew gum. When you’re chewing gum you’ll be less likely to bite your fingernails since your mind knows you already have “food” or whatever in your mouth. Chew it for a long time. Get a flavor you like. I’ve always had a problem biting my nails also, and I’ve been chewing gum lately to stop it, and it’s working well. I recommend Stride gum :)

Answer #7

I used to bite my nails but then I got tired of it…if you want em longer…scratch things! and trim your nails wit a nail cutter thingy…trust me…my nails are sooo long!!

Answer #8

Put nail polish remover on your nails and then theyll taste rank! lol. Seriously it works!

Answer #9

wear bangles so you remind yourself every time you raise your hand to bite your nails.

paint your nails. nail-polish = tastes nasty. if that doesn’t work just try spreading remover on ever morning or rubbing alchohol. both of those taste gross.

Answer #10

If you rub roar garlic on them they get stronger as well as taste horrible trust me do it every morning on the weekend because it smells bad and you dont want your friends to smell it. But it really does stop you biting them, what happens is the roar garlic in your mouth after accidently touching your nails with your teeth makes your mouth tingle and the taste stays with you so do this I do it every satuday and sunday and anytime im not in scchool :)

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