How can I stand out without showing-off?

hey everyone!! listen…umm I have a question for u’all…I want to “STAND OUT” in front of my girl so she doesn’t loose interest in me…but I dont want to seem like a show off either, because I thnk we all know that girls don’t care much for show-off’ers…can anyone help me?…

Answer #1

well, show her affection! Even in front of your friends. laughter is always a big plus.

Answer #2

just be yourself and yeah make he laugh and a lot.. and do things with her she wouldnt think would happen.. take he to cool places ya know…

Answer #3

Bust some good jokes… Or just make outrageously stupid claims, the ones that make her say what? and then giggle… They usually keep her on her feet and she will have a good time with it…

Answer #4

Tell her how pretty she looks, buy her a card, write her a poem, show her how much she means to you and how special she is. Treat her like a princess because girls just want to feel loved and needed.

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