How can I show her how grateful I am?

I love my girlfriend more than life. We have been dating for over 5 years. Her name is alexandra and she is 14, I’m Chad and I’m 16.

I love her so much that I already have plans to propose to her when I get my associates degree in Nursing Science in 8 monthes. I would seriously die for her, no second thoughts. I begin to cry tears of joy when I think about the life we will have together (I’m tearing up right now) We spend every spare second together. Soon as I get out of college I pick her up from high school. My heart is filled with passion for alexandra. The first thing I do when I see her is kiss her, give her a long hug, and carry her to my car. I’m sure she’s tired from a long day of high school.

I always strive to make her happy. Her happiness is more important than mine. To all the women, See what happens when you date a sensitive man?lol.

How can I show her how grateful I am that I have her? Sex won’t happen because we have vowed to each other to wait until marriage.

Answer #1

Take her out to dinner and then to her fav place, or a romantic walk in the park. Look her in the eyes and straight up tell her shes beautiful and you love her. Write her a poem, or even a lil warm and cozy couldnt hurt I mean sex isnt everything. Its being close to the person you care about not getting down and dirty. Good luck and sorry I wasnt much of a help. I try :)

Answer #2

I don’t know what lol I just thot id say that that is so cute and you must be really smart if your already I college and I like it since my name is alexandra lol

Answer #3

Okay, this answer is really late sorry, but this ask is so sweet I had to. Hehe. You should take her on a date or something like that. Maybe make her dinner or give her flowers. Kiss her, tell her exactly how you feel.

Answer #4

Okay, this answer is really late sorry, but this ask is so sweet I had to. Hehe. You should take her on a date or something like that. Maybe make her dinner or give her flowers. Kiss her, tell her exactly how you feel.

Answer #5

Okay, this answer is really late sorry, but this ask is so sweet I had to. Hehe. You should take her on a date or something like that. Maybe make her dinner or give her flowers. Kiss her, tell her exactly how you feel.

Answer #6

Okay, this answer is really late sorry, but this ask is so sweet I had to. Hehe. You should take her on a date or something like that. Maybe make her dinner or give her flowers. Kiss her, tell her exactly how you feel.

Answer #7

Okay, this answer is really late sorry, but this ask is so sweet I had to. Hehe. You should take her on a date or something like that. Maybe make her dinner or give her flowers. Kiss her, tell her exactly how you feel.

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