How can I reduce my sweating?

I sweat more than normal. How can I reduce it?

Answer #1

You may have over active sweat glads which will need to be diagnosed by your doctor, otherwise there are deoderants you can buy that are stronger than the ‘normal’ dedoerant. Agree with my colleague above.

Good Luck

Answer #2

Dear iwelcomeu, Usually it is not a serious problem but does need the attention of a doctor. Hormones can play a large role in over sweating and other conditions can cause this as well. There are special perscribed deodorant and even medications that can help. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

I sweat like a pig also…GROSS right? Well what I do is wear a cami so the sweat doesn’t show through my clothes. Also buy a dryness deoderant to reduce underarm sweat. Maybe even keep a towl with you to wipe away the sweat.

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