How do I upload music onto my Krzr?

I have a motokrzr and when I plug it into the computer the windows media player doesnt recognize it when I go to sync..any help?? I also cant download media player 10 and thats the one I need I think. please help. I dont understand all that stuff about drivers and all these weird memory cards soo just help with this would be fine. thanks

Answer #1


Please follow the steps below to enable Windows XP to properly detect the RAZR K1m:

  1. Download the necessary patch from this link:
  2. Power the handset on.
  3. Connect the USB cable to the PC & the RAZR handset.
  4. Click on the download “Sync_Music_Fix” to run the program. Upon completion it will display “Done”.
  5. Power the handset off.
  6. Disconnect the USB cable from the PC & the handset.

Once the above steps are completed, you can return to Windows Media Player and select the music you wish to sync to the RAZR and continue with the steps below:

  1. Power the handset on.
  2. Reconnect the handset to the PC with the USB cable.
  3. On the RAZR, press “OK” to select the “MENU”.
  4. Select “Get It Now”.
  5. Select “Get Tunes & Tones” then press “OK”.
  6. Select “Sync Music” and press OK.
  7. Windows Media Player will launch and the RAZR should now show “Connected”.

If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to contact Motorola: 1-800-657-8909, select option 1 and ask to be referred to the Motorola Cellular Service Bulletin issue 558 (CSB #558).

Hope that helps!

Answer #2

I had to sign up to say thanks!!! I had been working on this for 2 days and what you just said Worked.

Thanks man that was great!!!

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