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get over HiM! ThY probably don’t KnOw YeW oR cRe aBout ThErE fAnS…
we can’t tell ya hun. sorry.
wow. jonas fan?
please just like get over it.
well even though I cannot and will not ever understand your or anyones obsession with any of the jonas brothers or of them as a group, I will answer your question, back stage passes, pretty much common sense stuff here. stalking always works for these kind of situations, aren’t there usually contests to meet them?
how come you guys gotta be so mean look at like we do there three brothers,there cute,funny,sweet,and romantic. they do care about there fans buts not like you non fans would ever take the time to find out (im obssesed with nick)and if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anythting at all
Backstage passes, meet and greet passes, stalking them? I don’t know. Look over on the right side of your screen where it says “related questions”. I’m sure you’ll find some more answers there. Everyone here is just going to dog you for liking the Jonas Brothers.
I agree with ^ … um concert?
How do I meet the jonas brothers? - 1 Answers
How do I meet the jonas brothers if I cant go to there concert or comment them on myspace
Meeting the Jonas Brothers - 1 Answers
I am going to attend the Jonas Brothers concert soon, and I've that they have Meet & Greets before each show. About how early...
How early to get to the concert to meet the Jonas Brothers? - 1 Answers
Everybody says you have to get to Jonas Brothers concert REALLY earliy because they might meet u, but how many hours early is...
Nick Jonas - 2 Answers
Does Nick Jonas have a girlfriend right now? I am just curious I heard that it was Selena Gomez but I am not sure. So does Ni...
Who is your fave jonas? - 1 Answers
Who is your fav jonas? Why? Tell me some things about them. How can I meet them?
How do I meet Nick Jonas or get tickets? - 6 Answers
how do I meet nick jonas or get to talk to him also how do I get tickets?
7 things song, is it about Nick Jonas? - 3 Answers
my little girl molly, want to know if miley made the song 7 things about nick jonas!
I wanna Meet Jonas Brothers! - 1 Answers
I wanna Meet Jonas Brothers!! How can I?
nick jonas hair - 7 Answers
I have nick jonas hair style...do you girls like it?
How do I meet the Jonas Brothers? - 3 Answers
hey I read that you said you sorta knew nick jonas...well since you know him, i know you'd know a lot and I really need to ge...
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