How can I make my hair grow faster

I want my hair long again I dont put chemicals in it but I do Like shampoo and condition how can I make it grow faster

Answer #1

Can you get Horse shampoo at the pet store?

Answer #2

I went to and typed in ‘how to make hair grow’ and here’s one of many great websites listed. You’ll need to copy and paste into your browser.

Answer #3

if you want your hair to grow faster you have to use Horse shampoo. Honestly its really does work. It may sound weird but its get the job done.

Answer #4

when you are in the shower comb of brush it.when your hair is wet it stretches, and by combing or brushing it, it makes your hair stay like that (awesome right?!)

Answer #5

their is shampoo you can but to make it grow faster

Answer #6

Yeah horse shampoo seems great I just started using Mane n tail because i do really want my hair become thicker and it’s been 3 weeks using now but i don’t use it everyday now am still observing if it is really work. BTW, Reloxe is good for hair growth. I used it and It really worked very well.

Answer #7

by oil massage.

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