How can I make my braces stop hurting?

I got braces yesterday and they really hurt. I know this is a normal process of getting the braces, but does anyone know anything that will make it stop? I’ve already tried medication, and it didn’t work. I also got my septum done 2 hours before I got the braces, but that doesn’t hurt at all, but I was wondering if that could contribute to the pain in my mouth somehow? That may seem like a stupid question, but I’m willing to hear anything to help at the moment. Thanks.

Answer #1

put ice on your jaw area also just eat really easy to eat foods like jello, oatmeal etc. hope you feel better! :)

Answer #2

take ibuprofen (motrin) or advil or tylenol. it works for me(:

Answer #3

Just go to your local drug store and purchase dental wax. Apply it where ever you feel the wire is rubbing against your gums. Hope that helps.

Answer #4

ugh! I feel so bad 4 you but should put on wax(they shoulda given you sum) and if your cheeks are cut up like mine wer you should get this: colgate peroxyl antiseptic oral cleanser alcohol freeand get suma this: colgate orabase its kinda nasty because its like a paste and its wite but rub it on your gums and it helps a lot so I think I tood advil and it helped the most but it ended up given me diareia every morn so take your pick lol I feel so bad but ull get throo it and ul be proud you go girl!

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