How can I lose weight fast in a month?

ok so im a 14 year old, with a problem.

in January 2007, I was 183 pounds and it was embarassing. then I decided not too eat too much, only drink water for about a week.

in 2 weeks I was down to 175 pounds. then after another week I weighted 168 lbs.

now in July im 171 lbs.

how can I loose weight fast? is it possible to become anorexic?

Answer #1

im 6ft and 250lbs I started to eat a lot of vegan meats and soy food I lost 5lbs in the first week but im not fat since im tall im just a stocky guy but I want to get down to about 210 before the year is over and ill be perfect,just drink a lot water eat foods low in fat and exercise is all I can tell ya

Answer #2

well just eat healthy and run a mile a day. well this works for me when i dont want to eat i just chew gum or drink lots of water… but mainly just eat healthy!!!

Eat lots of fruits for those mid-night munchies! lol!

p.s.. Please dont become anorexic… its not good!!

hope i helped!

Answer #3

I know you posted this about a year ago, but I still want to tell you something. I am 15 too and 165 pounds. I’m not skinny at all, I’m kinda bigger and really healthy, but I’m absolutely happy and fine with myself. I do many sportrs that involve contact and everyday I’m doing these, I think to myself, if I was 125 pounds, I wouldn’t be able to be this good at what I do. So all I’m realy trying to say is, be happy with who you are and what you look like. Think of all the things you do now that you wouldn’t be able to do if your anorexic. You only have one life, so live it to the fullest and have fun, be healthy, and be who you are. Don’t change whats not a problem. And also, don’t think that you don’t fit in or your not “cool” because life isn’t a runway, you don’t need to be skinny as hell to fit in. I have many friends who love me as I am, and yours should too.

Answer #4

You need to do a little research before you start starving yourself. Sure, you’re losing weight because you’re not eating, but that’s because you’re dying. That’s right, dying. If you don’t eat, you will die. That’s just the way it is.

Our bodies require food for many different things. No matter how much water you drink, it’s just not going to be enough to keep your body going.

Since you are starving yourself, your body has gone into starvation mode. That means your metabolism slowed down. So when you do start to eat again, you are going to gain all of that weight back.

If you want to lose weight, be healthy, and live here is what you should be doing:

-Eat often. Seems like a contradiction when you want to lose weight, right?

However, eating often reassures your body that it’s not starving.

In your case, it would bring your body out of starvation mode.

Eating often keeps your metabolism moving fast. That means that when you eat, you burn it off quickly. Ideally, you should be eating about six small meals a day.

-Eat good food. Stay away from fatty food. Watch out for cheese, TV dinners, cow meat and pig meat.

That’s usually the fattiest stuff.

-Drink water.


-Eat fruits and vegetables.

Losing weight the right way takes time. You’re not going to notice immediate results.

If you notice results too quickly, like you have been, it means you’re probably doing something wrong.

So when you start to actually eat the right way, you might notice that you gain a little weight. That’s ok.

That’s just because you made your metabolism slow down by not eating.

Once you retrain your metabolism by eating small meals often, you should slowly start to the lose weight again.

By losing weight slowly and doing it the right way, you decrease your chances of gaining the weight back, you won’t be unhealthy, and you’ll live longer.

Answer #5

Know what? I know exactly how u fell :”( Since your reading this, let me introduce m,yself!!: i’m sarah! Cool hein? Anyway, i’m in the same stupide god damn boat, and sorry if my language is inapropriate! So like your asking if anorexia is possible, am i rigth? Well i’m not your mom and i won’t tell what to do but i feel the same way..

First, when you where at 168 it was because: like you said you only drank water, so your metabolism was slow because you straved yourself. When you slow it down, you body thinks that your sick, so it keeps every calorie and turns into FAT! So you do not want to slow it down.. That is what anorexic do, i should know- I would seriously ove loved somebody to stop me of going Anorexic, telling me that you lose everything- not just pounds, but familly, friends- even boyfriends.. And getting your mom go to the emergency room and having a doctor say that she doesn’t feed me well, she got so pissed!! I’m a vegan now- trying to recover from ANA( anorexia nervosa/bulimia nervosa) and the part that is weird- For a month i lost to 12 ponds but i was 145 to 133, but then i stoped- and it is scarry cause you gain it all back! So you can<t stop when you start, it<s an nasty habbit- just like smoking.. By the way i’m 13.. And your older and i hope wiser than me, i hope you don’t go for anorexia :( I would be really disa pointed if you did..

  • From a fat but happy friend Trully, if it doesn’t help email me, we can talk about if you want! that is what friends do :)and i’m always here is you need to talk, i’m just an email away! :)
Answer #6

I have been anorexix now off and on for many years. I would stop eating and lose 10 pounds and then get scared and start eating again. I just reasently stoped eating gain, and I found some great tips to help. they said to keep a fat book and write down your goals and the amount of weight that you want to lose. then make smaller goals as to when you lose that weight like in 2 weeks I will weigh 160 and then in 2 more weeks I will weigh 150 and so on. then make disipline rules so if you cheat on your diet you can punish your self like wearing a rubber band around your wrist and snap it everytime you think of food, or the amount of excercise or clean the bathroom. also find pictures of skinny models and hang them everywhere and get pictures of fat people and hang them around everywhere to remind you. my diet consists of not eating anything all day, adn only eating a healthy vegitalbal supper that is low in fat and then I take a diet pill with it to cancel it out. I hope this helps. I know the strugle you are going through

Answer #7

ok so I was in the exact same boat as you. 14. overweight and just plain tired of it. I went down the same exact road as you to. I went on a hunger strike and I lost an insane amount of weight. once I was down to my goal weight I figured hey why not start eating again. I hopped right back on to my usual diet and gained EVERY SINGLE pound back. I was so confused as to why it happened. it was because since I wasnt eating I slowed down my metabolism so when I started eating again there wasnt much there to help me stay at the weight I wanted. then I started running just 15 minutes a day and dropped 10 lbs in 2 weeks. from there I bumped it up to twenty then thirty min a day. now I can run four miles without feeling like im going to die. and I didnt have to alter my diet. for better results DO altar your diet. youll be so surprised by results. drop the eating disorder. its honestly not helping anybody. your killing yourself and as soon as you think enoughs enough youll gain it all back. its a visious cycle and its hurts you and the ones that you love. just take that extra step toward being healthy. walk just 15 minutes a day and I gaurentee youll see the result.

Answer #8

When im hungry I usally eat ice I get really full from that :/

Answer #9

Okay first off, you dont “become” anorexic. Sure somebody might call you fat or something so you stop eating but anorexia nervosa does just not happen in a blink of an eye! Anywho I am anorexic and I cant tell you how to “become” anorexic… but I can tell you how to become skinny:)

  1. watch thinsperation videos when you get hungrey.
  2. you have to eat to survive but never eat more than 400 calories in one day. 3)excersize every day for at least an hour. and I promise that in like 2 week you will see results following these ruels I lost 30 puonds in a month and you will to! well somewhere anround there:)
Answer #10

I have an eating disorder as well. I just got out of treatment. The sad thing is, I just bull-shitted my way out, so I could leave and continue to lose weight. I weighed about 115, because I had to gain weight in treatment. I am going back to old habits, and Im gradually losing weight again. Trust me, its too time consuming, and you lose friends, and family. You dont want an eating disorder. Dont follow my route. =/

Answer #11

Okay first off, you dont “become” anorexic. Sure somebody might call you fat or something so you stop eating but anorexia nervosa does just not happen in a blink of an eye! Anywho I am anorexic and I cant tell you how to “become” anorexic… but I can tell you how to become skinny:)

  1. watch thinsperation videos when you get hungrey.
  2. you have to eat to survive but never eat more than 400 calories in one day. 3)excersize every day for at least an hour. and I promise that in like 2 week you will see results following these ruels I lost 30 puonds in a month and you will to! well somewhere anround there:)
Answer #12

Okay first off, you dont “become” anorexic. Sure somebody might call you fat or something so you stop eating but anorexia nervosa does just not happen in a blink of an eye! Anywho I am anorexic and I cant tell you how to “become” anorexic… but I can tell you how to become skinny:)

  1. watch thinsperation videos when you get hungrey.
  2. you have to eat to survive but never eat more than 400 calories in one day. 3)excersize every day for at least an hour. and I promise that in like 2 week you will see results following these ruels I lost 30 puonds in a month and you will to! well somewhere anround there:)
Answer #13

I really need to lose some weight, and im considering becoming anorexic. I’ve tried bulimia but my gag reflex doesnt work that well… so if any anoriexics could help me out and tell me how they stopped eating? Or how not to give into eating… I need help! -waiting largley, fattyfatfat.

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