How can I get a flawless face?

I get small and hardish to notice pimples and blackheads and its not too bad but if they werent there it would make a big difference. its too mild for any serious zitcream or whatever. any suggestions?

Answer #1

When you wash your face scrub the cleanser into your face. I have major blackhead problems too so I know how you feel. I can’t really tell you what cleanser is best because honestly its different for everyone. So test out new cleansers, scrub your cleanser in with you fingernails, and then wipe your face with a stridex pad. Its guarenteed to work.

Answer #2

try clean and clear products or biolage. you may also try a black head scrub to help. wash your face twice a day too. I have the same poblem =[ it sux I no.

Answer #3

try clean and clear products or biolage. you may also try a black head scrub to help. wash your face twice a day too. I have the same poblem =[ it sux I no.

Answer #4

try clean and clear products or biolage. you may also try a black head scrub to help. wash your face twice a day too. I have the same poblem =[ it sux I no.

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