How can I get more results with weight loss?

Well I am 22 and I weigh 330, I have always been overweight since I was a kid. I decided to make a change in my life and Im starting to come to a Plateau…I have been with Weight Watchers for 5 weeks now and I have been going to Curves faithfully, and I have lost 15lbs… I want more…I know that it is going to take time to lose the weight that I have put on, but I have always been told that the heavier that you are you will lose quicker…Is there something else that I can do to speed up this process? Please any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!

Answer #1


Even though I don’t exercise due to back surgery I do highly recommend it. Remember there are still many toxins in our digestive system that have accumilated throughout the years there is a 21 day product out that can help you. My husband took it and lost 8 lbs the first month.

I’m 41 years old have 5 kids and ready to move on as far as my weight goes.

My highest has been 279lbs. I had a couple of surgerys One of them prevents me from doing exercise which is the back disc fusion. Yet I’m losing the weight naturally and healthy.

My son is currently almost 300lbs and I am coaching him on his weight loss, he’s 16yrs old. I don’t know how old you are but no matter what start now do it for your health and for your future.

(2lbs per week, Healthy weight loss, no starving)

I know how it is to be the fatso and the ugly duckling but I also know what it is to lose weight and get the attention so hopefully you will contact me.

I am currently trying to lose 100 lbs so far I have lost 8lbs on my first month and 1/2 inch from my waist, no starving required. When it comes to losing weight it’s extremely difficult, but it can be done.

You need to start with determination, discipline and really want it.

Remember also many years of the abuse given to our digestive system counts. there is a 21 day cleansing program with what I am currently using that helps. esp. those last few pounds are the hardest. I say few because I have 100+ to go.

I truely believe that every pound counts so I know that those twenty lbs are really bothering you.

My father is a 68yrs old and has run 20+ marathons all of them 26+ miles he had about 10lbs to lose and couldn’t for many years. Believe me he is a healthy man, but couldn;t get rid of those last few and he lost them within 2mths. My mom one of the worlds most stubborn women has changed her eating habits and lost 9lbs the first month she’s 61yrs old and my brother lost 13;bs the first month he used the 21 day we have a whole list of people in our family alone losing it. Using these products

I’m giving you these websites for you to get more info : myspacecom/herbalrus (please read the blogs) and on you can get more info on your health.

Remember there are many people offering you many products but I myself am a living testimony and I am also tired of my overweight issue I’ve battled with it all my life. Don’t take other peoples word for it do it yourself.

I currently don;t have pics of me posted due to the embarrasment of how I look and anybody with a weight issue knows that taking pics is not a fun thing to do. But I will post them as soon as I feel I can dig up the courage to take the after pic. I do have the before pic. hope to hear from you.

I’m not trying to sell a product I’m trying to help people that are ready and really need to change their lifestyle around. You have to willing and determined. It’s not easy and there is no magical button we can press to help us but I’m here if you need me. Jemmvli .

Answer #2

You’re doing fine. Don’t get impatient. It took many years to gain that weight, and it will take quite a while to safely lose it. Be strong and take the time to learn new eating and exercise habits.

Good Luck!!

Answer #3

Hi, are you exercising? Building strong muscles helps to burn more calories :)

Wow you should be so proud of yourself- 1st 1lb in just 5 weeks!! Amazing!! My mum is a gold member at weight watchers LoL, To get to her goal I think it took about half a year!

My tips too you would be- Exercise at least 30 minutes of exercise 3/4 times a week, try squats 3 sets of 10/15reps everyday you’ll see results on your thighs and bum in 2 weeks! there so simple you can do them when an advert is on tv! LoL

Fun Mail me if you want any more tips

Good Luck and you should be proud!! x

Answer #4

You doing great!! just stay focused!!! Don’t give up!! it takes time.. you can also check out thes great products at which was a geat help to me.

Good luck on your journey

Answer #5

Yes I am exercising…I go to CURVES for women three times a week!!!

Answer #6

Finding a fair way to calculate weight loss in a competition can be a challenge because there are so many different ways to measure it. Those with more weight to lose may see the pounds drop more quickly, meaning that heavier people have an unfair advantage. When considering the different methods to measure weight loss, make a decision based on the contest participants.

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