How can I get dimples when I smile?

So I have dimples, but I have to smile really weird and push out my lips far to get them.

This girl at my school has adorable dimples, they’re very deep… and I want some better ones. You look a little more charming with dimples in my opinion, so I want to know, how I can get some cute, semi-deep dimples when I smile??

Thanks. .♥.♥.♥.♥.♥.

Answer #1

you have to be born with them you cant change your body parts just like that theres no exerscise or anything that can make you have dimples so unfortunatly for you, no what you have is what youve got

Answer #2

You have to be born with REALLY cute dimples.

but if you want one real bad you can get surgery but it won’t look as normal. OR if you don’t wanna have surgery for it get your cheeks pierced. haha. So then if you remove your piercing you’ll have a “dimple”

Answer #3

well actually there is a way to get dimples without surgery even if you had no sign of dimples before. Get your cheeks pierced where you want them to be, leave them in for a few months then take them out. 9/10 chance you will have them significantly after, permanently

Answer #4

You have to be born with it. It’s genetics. I have 2 dimples. My parents don’t have any though.

Answer #5

dimples are divits on your face basically punk, and yeah you have to be born with them

Answer #6

I dontt know if youll do thisz but,iif youh get your cheeksz pierced once youh have them in for awhile and you take the piercinqsz out youll have amaziinq dimplesz liike me! =D

Answer #7

you don’t have to be born with em’..I looove dimples so much,I kept on trying ways into getting them WITHOUT SURGERY!!wgat I did was,each morning I wake up,I press my fingers into my cheeks(where I want the dimples)and smile and after a month or so you’ll see your gorgeous dimples appearing…lol kinda silly but it works!!

Answer #8

know someone who would always put a finger & indent on there cheeks, and a few MONTHS later, she had dimples

Answer #9

I only have a dimple in my right cheeck because when I was 4 scissors went thru my cheeks because I fell…& I have dimples in my lower back so I have dimples in my cheeks and dimpels in my back its natural for me..xcept for the scissors I had already had one in my left cheek but then the scissors went thru my right cheek & everytime I smile the scar is a dimple..

Answer #10

NO TRUE PEOPLE…You can have “Dimple Creation” duh! Google dimple creation and with luck you can get a good “Cosmetic surgeon” to do it for you. It takes 30 to 1 hour office proceedure…so YOU SEE anyone can have Deformed cheek or chin muscles like ALL of you that were born with that defect. lol

Answer #11

you have to be born with them. they should be in the dead middle of your cheeks and they’re only real dimples when they always show up when you smile. I’ve always had dimples, I was born with them.

Answer #12

I have 2 dimples and one right under the right corner of mu mouth. I MADE THE 2 DIMPLES byyy…OK, I wanted dimples sooo bad so I started searching for how to make em’ but I never found out, so when I was think I had a pen in my cheek and after a while it became a habbit and thats how I got one on my right cheek. then later when I got braces, I started moving my mouth left to right and sometimes only one the left side . And now I have 3 dimples!

Answer #13

Your just born with dimples. You can’t make them.

Answer #14

I have 1 dimple on my left check. I no realy weird

Answer #15

The getting your cheeks pierced is so true. My cousin had them before she died. They look good on a lot of people, you just have to make sure your one of those people. Just go to a pierce and ask then to give you dimples in your cheeks they should pierce you where your dimples should be…its going to be a bar all the way across your mouth though so that it pulls your cheeks together and they start to heal and form that way. Hope this helped

Answer #16

well I nwasn’t born with dimples but I have some now All I did wuzz smile and squeeze my cheeksz in where I wanted them and it kinda workedd

Answer #17

If you’re lucky enough to be born with them then you’ll have them forever.

My son has 2 gorgeous dimples in each cheek and one on his chin.

Answer #18

you can pierce your cheeks when you are old enough. then when you smile you will have dimples and even after you take the jewlery out you still have dimples.

Answer #19

I have lower back dimples but they started to appear when my butt started getting bigger :] lols but yea they’re genetic even tho my dad has one deep dimple on his cheek and I dont :[

Answer #20

Obviously, you know the answer now; it’s genetic. I think that’s the one thing man has not been able to surgerically “bless” people with yet. I’m very happy about that because people has become so fake.

My Grandmother had very deep dimples. 95% of her kids and grandkids have very deep dimples too, including me. People know we all belong to the same family by our dimples.

You’re fortunate. You already have some. Be happy with what you were blessed with; not upset with what you’re not blessed with. Some people might be wishing they would look just like you. Maybe one day your child will bring your little dimples to the next level. Be happy, live freely, enjoy your youth!

Answer #21

its natural.

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