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How can I get away from my mom?
Everyday my mom always makes a comment on how I look,dress, and listen to emo stuff.I dont..at all.So today I was wearing converse,tight skinny jeans,and a v-neck short sleeved shirt,not bad at all.But my mom decided to say (What do you think you’re wearing?You look like a freaky little emo slut!) It killed me.She always puts me in a bad mood almost everyday and its at the point that Im excited to go to school because I know Im spending the next 7 hours with people that love me and that I love.I tried talking to the guidance councelor but she just turned around and told my mom about every little thing I said,which got me grounded because I was (lying and humiliated) my mom.I wasnt lieing at all.Please help.I just really need to get away from my mom but I have no where to go.
And I used parenthesis,if thats how you spell it,becuase it would let me use quotation marks.
ignore your mom and go to your friends house. and dont trust the school employees at all!
Tell your mom that your tired of her saying shit like that to you. Tell her that you are who you are, and that if she has a problem with that , then you will find somewhere else to stay for a while. So, basically just tell her that your tired of all that crap, and it is basically verbal abuse in a way. hope I helped a bit. (:
- paige.
gettin away fr your mom is nt always the best thing to do even tho she is soo irritating now…I think that you should try to talk to her tell her how she is making you feel…and then take it fr there…
stand up to your mom tell her what you think and basicaly rebel against her spirit crushing ways
I do have a boyfriend but hes 16 and Im 15 and his mom is really up-tight and basically hates me ): So thats not gonna work.Thanks for trying to help though!
Oh, I am sorry, I am 13 just trying to help. Sorry icouldn’t help. :(
legally you gotta live by her rules til your 18
you could call DSS but that might make things worse
you could go to the city of fallen angels and become a stripper
(I dont recomend the last one though lol)
Lol its okay. And by the way, the guy in the picture isnt my boyfriend. Hes just one of my friends.Too many people have asked if he was my boyfriend before
Do you have a boyfriend? If you do, ask to stay at his house, just tell him you are in a fight w/ your mom, if you don’t have a boyfriend, maybe you can tell your mom that this is YOUR life and she can’t make the choices 4 u. Hope I helped!!!
I’m in the same situation. Talk to your boyfriends mom. She might understand and want to help. I thought my boyfriends dad would totally say no to me staying with him but it was actually his idea. You might be surprised what explaining your situation could do (:
punch her in the face
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