How can I deal with challenges with one of my classes for college?

How can I deal with challenges for one of my classes for college? Here is the thing, I’m taking a computer class which involves using power point. This is my first time using power point since I’m visually impaired and been blind since birth, I have to have someone help me with the visuals. I seem to stress out easily whenever I’m frustrated with something. When I’m stressed out, I tend to forget about everything else and don’t seem to care about certain things. there is going to be a test on making your own power point which is this week. How should I deal with this challenge and others? I’m real nervous and afraid I might mess up. We have to make a power point presentation on ourselves. Anyway, I’d like some feedback if possible.

Answer #1

Wow first of all I think it’s great that you’re taking college classes and improving yourself, especially being visually impaired. You need to keep the motivation going!

As for your problem dealing with stress and the challenges of the course, you should approach your lecturer and tell him your situation, ask him for guidance on how to deal with a situation for a person like yourself. He’s a professional, trained to work with visually impaired students, and he should be able to recognize the frustrations and challenges some students go through. He should be able to guide and coach you to do these things by yourself. If you have any questions, you can always approach him during or after class, so he can personally coach you and give you direct feedback on your work.

You should make some friends in your class too, I bet they feel the same sometimes! Friends can help each other out for projects, good luck!

Answer #2

First and foremost I think its great that you are overcoming obstacles in your life.

Second - While I’m not visually impaired… at 26 with two kids I decided to go for my PhD in biopharmaceutical science… my challenge: The feeling of being inferior to everyone else in the class and a feeling of am I truly smart enough to be here.

Try viewing every challenge as an opportunity for growth. Instead of stressing out about the situation, speak with your professor as they are indeed trained to handle all types of situations, and get creative.

This is about YOU, not the other students. I realize you don’t want to label yourself with a stigma or carry a scarlet letter around with you… however perhaps this is your chance to educate the others on how great you are doing - you are overcoming a huge obstacle in your life and you aren’t letting it hold you back in any way.

So perhaps that could be your angle for your presentation ~ you refuse to use your stigma (we all have one) as a crutch and will not allow anything to get in the way of your goals and success in life.

Your driven, determined, and creative ;o)

I have a great deal of respect for you, good luck and be sure to discuss this with your professor as well.. I’m sure it will turn out fantastic!

Answer #3

powerpoint sells itself just make sure it looks pretty and stay confident just keep your head up after all its not as hard as most people think you just have to realize that 90% of those people your presenting to have doubts in themselves and know where your coming from

Answer #4

My best friend is blind!! I have definitely seen her do powerpoint before for class projects. so if she can do it you can too! What I notice is that she will make the powerpoint ahead of time and show it to a lot of people (or any work she is concerned about) to make sure it is good. She has shown me her school projects ahead of time and has asked me for a critique. So I think the best thing for you to do is, listen to the instructor carefully, show him your work ahead of time, and show your parents or friends ahead of time. This way, on the day of the presentation, you can be confident that your work is above and beyond! hope I helped! if you need anymore advice funmail me! -emma ps. you might also want to practice ahead of time your speech so that your critics can give you pointers as to how to look at the audience, etc.

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