How can I cut trans fat from my diet?

How can I cut trans fat from my diet?

Answer #1

That’s VERY easy. Before you buy or eat something look at the nutritional label. Foods are required to list the amount of trans fat per serving. BUT if it contains an amount of trans fat (per serving) that is less than 1, then they are allowed to list it as 0. That’s where it gets tricky! Check the ingredients and if it contains any kind of hydrogenated soybean, conola or vegetable oils then it has trans fat that is below 1. (but note.. if you eat more than the suggested serving…then you will be getting more than 1 gram of trans fat.)

I basically try to stay away from really processed foods. (That means pretty much stay away from most of the stuff you find at the checkout and in snack machines)

“Trans fats are basically vegetable fats that have been changed chemically by a process known as hydrogenation and typically they take a healthy fat, such as corn oil or soybean oil and make it solid. They’re frequently found in foods that contain some kind of fat, such as:

* Cookies
* Crackers
* Fried foods (like fried chicken)
* French fries
* Doughnuts
* Margarine

The advantage is that the fat generally has a longer shelf life, or in the case like crackers, gives them a crisper texture. It’s a product that’s been used in food manufacturing for quite some time.

The problem is that the body treats the hydrogenated fat like it’s a saturated fat, similar to butter or animal fat. As most of us know, saturated fat is the culprit that clogs arteries. So in essence trans fats, while initially a healthful oil that’s unsaturated, becomes a saturated fat through this process of hydrogenation and is linked to causing heart disease.”

Answer #2

Stop eating it.

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