How can I control my anger while at school?

O.k I have two problems.Here is the first one: Since 7th grade I have had this annoying,sarcastic teacher in 1st and 2nd period.I don’t like to read out-loud to the class but he makes me do it a lot…everytime we read.It makes me feel stupid and I am slow(so slow by the time I finish reading,I don’t remember what I read.I am retarted!)Everyone hates him.Whenever I am in a bad mood he knows it and picks on me so I get super mad and I need to get out of the room and sit in the hallway(I am in 8th grade and still act like a 5 year old.) Here is the second one:There is annoying 6th grader who doesn’t like to be called Alexander(That is her name.)But she likes to be called Ally.My name is Allison but I was once called Ally(still am=D) and whenever teachers say “Ally”we both say “Yeah?”it gets annoying!Who should claim the “Ally”title? Me or her?Be honest!!!We have got to figure something b/c I am about to go insane!!!=( Thank you!

Answer #1

‘I know but when I am in a bad mood it ticks me off!’

Well you know what, life isnt fair. Your mood swings are not an excuse for behaving badly.

‘It is hard being a teenager!’

No, what it is hard being is someone who is starving and homeless. Someone whose parents beat them, and who is physically or sexually abused. It’s hard to be that person. It’s hard to be a person who is beaten up or killed for their race or sexual orientation. Sorry, but you dont get a pass because you are a teenager.

This has got to be the most ridiculous post I have ever read. You’re upset because a teacher makes you read and because someone else has the same nickname? Get over your ridiculous issues and realize that in the wider world, no one cares. A little perspective may be necessary. May be you should volunteer some where. It doesnt matter where. When you see that there’s people with real problems, may be it will help.

Answer #2

I think both of these problems can be solutionized fairly easily. First off, I think your teacher is going by the notion that you’re afraid of reading out loud and is trying to get that fear out of you ( a lot of teachers used to do that to me, I have to admit, as much as I hated it, I needed to learn it). If that’s not the case then try and work out a plausible solution with him that you both can agree on. There’s no sense in trying to dispute this irrationally as this will hurt your grade and you don’t want that do you? If you still need to go then take your time. You don’t need to rush your reading, take it as slow as you need too. I’m sure your teacher should at least have the patience to let you read at your own pace.

I’m wondering about this one. Why does it bother you that she has the same nickname as you? It really shouldn’t, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that you need to change your nickname but this shouldn’t be something to get aggravated about. Why not, seperate your two names. One for school which can be Allison and one for your friends which can be Ally. That way you can save yourself the dispute over something so petty. The Ally title as you so call it shouldn’t be something that you dispute about. It’s just a nickname really, relax.

Hope this helps.

Answer #3

You know what!If you didn’t like it…why did you answer it!

Answer #4

I know but when I am in a bad mood it ticks me off!I don’t know.It is b/c some of ym friends go to my school.It is hard being a teenager!

Answer #5

My teacher is a man.A nerd actually.But none of ym friends are in that class so yeah.

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