How Can I become more popular?

Hello, I’m 13 years old, and in 7th grade. I want to truly be popular, so don’t answer with “ It doesn’t matter “ , only answer if you are going to give me real advice! I wear Hollister, Abercrombie, and American Eagle, I am trying to wear lip gloss, eyeliner, and blush more often, and I am trying not to bite my nails a lot. I have a lot of friends, boys and girls, and I love to shop. But the problem is I’m self conscious. Whenever I sit with the popular kids, they all look at me like I’m a cockroach in the middle of dragonflies, I just cannot grow the wings and beauty I need. I have a small mole on my left cheek, which I am getting removed with some special mole vanishing medicine. I honestly try to be out going, but whenever I ask one of them to hang out, they always are like “ Oh, have plans that day “ , which makes me sad. I’m going to be in 8th grade this year, and I want this to be my best year ever! I want people to crush on me, want to be my friend, and all the popularity benefits!


Answer #1

okayyy, right…

I’m in 8th grade and um.. yeah. Basically, at my school there is a lot of pressure to be popular, and to be a ‘trendie’ but to be honest, the popular kids are actually hated by so many people. Last year I used to be popular but I lost sight of the important things and turned into someone who really wasn’t myself. All my friends told me that I was changing but at the time I didn’t care. Looking back now I wish I hd just stayed true to myself and my friends. Anyway - back to you. A little bit of lipgloss and eyeliner really, WON’T automatically make you popular. Obviouslyy, I don’t know you, so I can’t say for sure, but I bet that you have some really fantastic friends! And when it comes down to it, the people who matter, will like you. And people you get to know though being popular are more often than not actually real friends. Just stay who you are - and be nice to everyone around you, and that should gain you the popularity that matters. So yeah, just be you and have fun with your friends :)


Answer #2

All they are going to think is, that you are desperate and a “wannabe.” Don’t be something your not. A stuck-up, preppy, snot. Just because they wear Hollister and Abercrombie doesn’t mean they are happy with who they are. When you’re “Popular” you are expected to act like your perfect, even though NOBODY is. There are those kind of girls at my school, but they act like stuck-up, preppy snots, and they laugh in high pitched, loud obnoxious, and annoying giggles. Even the teachers role their eyes, because they LOOK and SOUND like chihuahuas. WHO CARES if your “popular?” WHO SAYS being “popular” is wearing abercrombie? Lol, it’s kinda funny how materialistic some people are. Doing Drugs and underage Drinking is f-ing lame, only losers do that, so dont do it if you want to be a wannabe loser. (Aka “Popular”) I know I’m being harsh but you just have to THINK about how silly this all sounds. “Popular” what’s popular? I think being popular is actually being “yourself.” That’s cool, not wearing a certain brand name of shirt. Or wearing pink all the time. Just be yourself hun.

I AM being helpful, but you really got to understand what I’m saying to you. Good Luck and I hope you decide that being yourself will lead you to a better life wether you think so or not. It’s too bad, that some people just can’t accept others for who they truly are.

Answer #3

wow popularity is a nonsense…its immature and can cost you a lot of valuable things in your life… like a great friend or who you really are…beleive me I have I just wish I was one of those kids who didn’t care what people thought … who were themsleves and had fun no matter what.. they had fun with their true friendss…and I was actually one of the ‘popular’ girls in my school… and I regret every minute that I was… even though it would seem that the popular girls had a better life and was better than everyone…it wasn’t like that… I wass always jealous of the girls that didnt try to be popular aned just lived life…now im giving you advice to not make the same mistake I did. and never forget who you are…

be happy that you have the friends that you have …beacuase when your older if you dump your friends for newer more popular ones that you might be left with no one… but anyway good luck and do what ever you want because its your life…but please think it out first=]

Answer #4

okayyy, right…

I’m in 8th grade and um.. yeah. Basically, at my school there is a lot of pressure to be popular, and to be a ‘trendie’ but to be honest, the popular kids are actually hated by so many people. Last year I used to be popular but I lost sight of the important things and turned into someone who really wasn’t myself. All my friends told me that I was changing but at the time I didn’t care. Looking back now I wish I hd just stayed true to myself and my friends. Anyway - back to you. A little bit of lipgloss and eyeliner really, WON’T automatically make you popular. Obviouslyy, I don’t know you, so I can’t say for sure, but I bet that you have some really fantastic friends! And when it comes down to it, the people who matter, will like you. And people you get to know though being popular are more often than not actually real friends. Just stay who you are - and be nice to everyone around you, and that should gain you the popularity that matters. So yeah, just be you and have fun with your friends :)


Answer #5

I wanted to be popular too when I was 13. im 15 know and let me tell you it SUCKS! I did all the right things and eventually, they allowed me into their group. after a week or two, I wanted to get out! they were awful, mean, cruel, sltty and btchy. I thought they were nice, but actually they all hated each other. you don’t wana be popular..

Answer #6

sweetie you seriouslt DO NOT want to be popular!! it blows!! it looks like a lot of fun but seriously, your being watched&judged every time you move. it’s like being a tv star ALL THE TIME everyone always knows your personal buissness. please, you do not want to be popular, just be yourself&stick with your friends.

Answer #7

don’t try so hard! They can probably tell that you are self conscious and think you are intimidated by that. If you just relax and by yourself and just have fun, crack jokes, don’t take things too seriously then they will see that you like that have a good time!

Answer #8

It doesn’t really matter what you wear. You’re more likely to be one of the ‘cool kids’ if you branch out and talk to people and meet new people and the such.

Answer #9

you know how I became popular, its not for everyone. But I would through the craziest parties anyone had ever seen. Let me tell ya, it worked. But it is not wise to drink

Answer #10

start your own group, those so called popular kids are not very nice and are overrated.

Answer #11

I just typed the longest answer in my life but it didnt post because I had a curse in it. If you want to talk about everything I have advice youll actually be about to use unlike these idiot answers you have, msg me anytime <3

Answer #12

try to be outgoing. you have that inner dragonfly deep inside you but you are too afraid to let it free. its easy, throw parties, be crazy, go up to hot guys and talk to them. it’s all about getting used to having people watch you wether you are goofy or not. be nice to random people but be your own girl… be a LEADER for god sakes! make the other girls want to be you. by the sounds of the hollister/AE/A&F clothes and makeup, you have the potential, hun… its just the factor of letting out! what are u waiting for?

Answer #13

Okay hun. I know I’m going to say it, but, just be yourself. In high school the “popular” kids are usually the ones who become pregnant, do drugs, get drunk, and have terrible home lives, and make fun of others just because they feel better when they do. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Be fun and smile. They’re contagious. I bet that you’ll find a great group of friends and not care later. Cause being popular isnt all that its cracked up to be. It looks like it, but its not. Don’t go trying to be something your not. you wont end up happy. Coming from someone who knows. Trust me. Hope everything goes well!

Answer #14

Dont Ever Turn To Drugs For Anything.Ecspecailly[?] For Being Popular.It’s Not Worth It.I’ve Been There.All They Do Is Make Fun Of People Who Are Overwieght Or Dont Dress Like Them.And Plus Youll Lose Your Real Friends.Cause Chances Are The “Populars” Arent going to Like Them…What Is Popularity Anyway..So What You Have A Bunch Of Friends.I Only Have Like 7 Really Close Friends And Their All I Need In Life.Popularity Jst Goes Away After High School/College.It’s NOT going to Get You A Job.Skills And Common Sense Are.

Good Luck With Your Life

Answer #15

your discription above just screams desprate… if thats what others see its no wonder they dont want to hang out with you… lay off the lipglos nothing worse than seeing a child trying tobe older than they are its cheep and nasty. Do you even know who you are?? you sound like your a lable.. find out who you are and maybe then you will have the best 8th grade

Good luck

Answer #16

here’s what to do: DONT look down when they talk to you or act like you feel inferior to them. you need to wear makeup EVERY DAY and straighten or curl your hair (even if it is practically straight, because it will make you look better) get a new haircut, (like sidebangs) also, make sure EVERYTHING you get comes from the cool stores, not just the stuff you know the popular kids will see you wear. remember, we are just people, and you have just as much right to be popular as we do!!

Answer #17

Dont Ever Turn To Drugs For Anything.Ecspecailly[?] For Being Popular.It’s Not Worth It.I’ve Been There.All They Do Is Make Fun Of People Who Are Overwieght Or Dont Dress Like Them.And Plus Youll Lose Your Real Friends.Cause Chances Are The “Populars” Arent going to Like Them…What Is Popularity Anyway..So What You Have A Bunch Of Friends.I Only Have Like 7 Really Close Friends And Their All I Need In Life.Popularity Jst Goes Away After High School/College.It’s NOT going to Get You A Job.Skills And Common Sense Are.

Good Luck With Your Life

Answer #18


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